Charismatics, Stop Giving ‘Prophetic Insights’ Into Events AFTER They Happen

The truth is, well-trained crystal ball-reading gypsies give more accurate prophecies than Christian charismatics.

(JD Hall – Pulpit & Pen)  Charismatic ‘Christian’ leaders are thieves and liars. They steal from people their seed-faith offerings and lie about God speaking to them. When world tragedies happen without warning, it’s not time for charismatics to give their prophetic insights. It’s time for them to shut their cotton-picking mouths.

I have no respect or regard for false prophets because God forbids me from showing them any reverence (Deuteronomy 18:20). Aside from the fact that charismatic or Pentecostal preachers (who often claim to be ‘apostles’ and ‘prophets’) are mostly all swindlers preaching Word-Faith prosperity theology, engage in parlor-trickery fake healing, and they deny the sufficiency of Scripture by their claim of continued prophecy. Charismaticism is modern day Montanism, a heresy of the ancient church that claimed God still speaks outside his Bible and outside natural revelation.

Last week, I pointed out that not a single charismatic prophet warned the Vatican (or anybody else) about the Notre Dame fire. Not a single “prophet” saw it coming, and yet they were busy giving us their ‘prophetic insights’ into its meaning. Those insights would have been good to have a day before fire consumed the cathedral.

Today, Charisma News – a prominent charismatic news source – has numerous articles from supposed prophets giving their prophetic insights about an event they didn’t predict coming, the Sri Lanka church attacks.

Charisma News posted an article today entitled, Shawn Bolz Offers Prophetic Insights Into Easter Bombings that Killed Hundreds. Assuming that Bolz – who is a pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California – has any prophetic insights that don’t originate from Satan himself, what worthless, pointless, useless, and meaningless prophetic insights they must be that they weren’t able to warn these professed Christians that bombs were about to go off. Wouldn’t even the smallest degree of prophetic prowess be able to see it coming? Was not Agabus able to warn Paul about his impending tragedy in Jerusalem? Why are modern day charismatic prophets so useless?  View article →



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