Four Blood Moons and Shemitah Bring Judgment…Upon Charismatics

JD Hall of Pulpit and Pen has something to say to Charismatics in regard to their propensity to dabble in mysticism or what he calls witchcraft. When two prophecies uttered by highly regarded men in the charismatic community failed to come to pass, JD concluded that “God has, in his Providence, chosen to use these astrological omen interpretations to bring judgment against America’s charismatics for their embarrassing naivety, abominable discernment, and systemic false prophecy…”

JD begins by informing us that,

Two “significant” events (read that, rather ordinary, foreseeable and cyclical events that are predictable by the Farmer’s Almanac) recently brought God’s judgment – as expected and promised – by America’s prophets. That God used these “signs” to judge was not surprising, but who God ultimately judged was surprising.

Jonathan Cahn, who calls himself a Messianic Rabbi (whose credentials are dubious), wrote a book detailing ten signs present before Israel’s collapse, comparing them to ten signs now present in America, called The Harbinger. With the success of that book, Cahn springboarded into a new divination, this time pulling from the Old Testament ceremonial law the command in Exodus 20:11 that the ground lay fallow every seven years, which was both agriculturally astute and required the Israelites to trust God for their provision. Debts were also to be canceled during that year as well, which was one of a number of safeguards against the holding of longterm debt in Israel’s economy. This year was called the Shemitah, meaning a “releasing” (referring to release from debt), which Cahn has interpreted more ominously as a “shaking.” Doing the math, Cahn reveals that September 25 2014 to September 13 2015 is the Shemitah Year

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