Banning the Lord’s Prayer from cinemas is nonsense on stilts

In a piece over at theguardian, columnist Giles Fraser declared: “So a peaceful Christian ad can’t accompany the new Star Wars film? The whole thing stinks of bureaucratic and commercial cowardice.”

He writes:

YodaIn the 2001 census, 390,000 people identified their religious conviction as Jedi. By the time of the 2011 census, that number had dropped by over half to around 177,000. Perhaps the new Star Wars film will boost their number – after all, this film is subtitled “the force awakens”.

But when this film is released in the runup to Christmas, the executives at the UK’s leading cinemas have decided in their wisdom that an advertisement featuring the Lord’s Prayer is to be banned from their screens. Apparently, the Jedi religion is fit for the big screen, but the Christian one is not.

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