Blogger Bud Alheim informs us that Anne continues to promote a “new way of praying” she discovered in The Circle Maker which is nothing more than an occult book (here). This time she taught praying in circles at a Baptist campus. A few months ago she posted the following on her blog: As I look ahead into 2016, I feel compelled to draw a circle around this city, this state, this nation” and pray! Until God answers. Do the same. Please. On this first day of the New Year, draw your own circle. Then pray for everything that’s inside of it.
Now to Alheim’s blog post:
Just last week, February 25, the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC hosted “An Evening With Anne” in which the daughter of the renowned evangelist was given free reign of the dais to promote the false teaching of circle making, contemplative prayer.
Perhaps it should come as no surprise that SEBTS would host such an evening of Scripture-denying false teaching. You may recall in June 2015, when the President of SEBTS, Danny Akin, made news (HERE, and HERE, among others) for eagerly joining in with atheist Richard Dawkin’s website Openly Secular (Video: HERE) in order to, not defend a Christian worldview nor to share the Gospel, but to “pitch tolerance” for atheists, as the Christian Examiner noted.
If you’re the President of a Southern Baptist seminary, and you get invited to go on video on Richard Dawkins’ website, that’s stupendous! What an opportunity to share the Gospel!
But if you’re Danny Akin, president of a Southern Baptist seminary, it’s more important to seek unity, and tolerance, and get-alongedness with those whose very souls are heaping up God’s wrath. Let’s not share the Gospel; let’s find ways we can live together in harmony! (I’m here inserting a new hashtag … #PATHETIC-SOUTHERN-BAPTIST-LEADERSHIP-FAIL!)