Darrin Patrick Removed from Acts 29 Megachurch for “Historical Pattern of Sin”

Darrin Patrick was also fired from his job as pastor of the multisite church The Journey in St. Louis.  Patrick had a lot of irons in the fire.  He served as a “council member for The Gospel Coalition, St. Louis Cardinals chaplain, and Acts 29 podcast host.” Christianity Today has the full story.

The Journey cited a range of ongoing sinful behaviors over the past few years including manipulation, domineering, lack of biblical community, and “a history of building his identity through ministry and media platforms.”

In a letter announcing its lead pastor’s removal after 14 years of leadership, the church clarified that adultery was not a factor, though elders looked into inappropriate interactions with two women.

“In short, I am a completely devastated man, utterly broken by my sin and in need of deep healing,” said Patrick in an apology to his 3,000-person congregation. “The way that the Journey elders have demonstrated their desire to see me restored to Jesus, as well as their love for me, Amie, and our family is nothing short of miraculous and beyond gracious.”

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