The Moral Revolutionaries Present Their Demands: Unconditional Surrender

Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, makes no bones about the fact that conservatives have lost the culture wars.  And of course the Left is gloating over our loss.  So, not surprisingly, they’re saying to the losing side, which includes conservative evangelicals, “You lost, deal with it.”  And we did lose, big time.  Now liberals are preparing to rub our noses in the battle field mud.

How should Bible believers deal with this startling defeat?  According to Eph 6:10, followers of Jesus Christ must “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (See what that looks like here.)

Armor-up, brethren, because the winner’s are going to take a hard line: “No accommodation whatsoever,” urged one Harvard Law School professor. “Don’t even try to be nice to moral enemies…since their arguments have no normative authority of any kind.”

Liberals have no intention of showing any sort of kindness toward conservatives — and Bible believers are the Left’s real “moral enemies.”  As Dr. Mohler points out in his piece, these people will go all out to squash religious freedom.

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