Mark Driscoll: Worship God with Your Wallet to Put Content on My Website

Warren Throckmorton of Patheos fills us in on what disgraced “pastor” Mark Driscoll is up to these days. Throckmorton demonstrates how Driscoll plans to “monetize his sermons.” He writes:

Mark DriscollYesterday, Mark Driscoll continued his Jonah sermon series at The Trinity Church in Scottsdale AZ. The series is interesting and has provides some additional tidbits of information for those interested in the implosion of Mars Hill Church. I will get to that in future posts. For now, I want to point out a new innovation for The Trinity Church, or at least it seems different than how Mars Hill did it.

Yesterday, Driscoll exhorted his new flock to “worship God with our wallet, we’ll give unto the Lord so that the message of Jesus goes forth.” Watch:

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