Amidst claims that she’s a heretic, “Pastor” Paula White, who’s a word-faith/health & wealth/name it and claim it teacher, appeared on CNN to let the world know that her critics are mistaken and that the views she holds are orthodox. Richard Haas of Pulpit & Pen sets aside White’s heretical teaching and instead tackles her credentials to pastor a church. According to Haas, Pastrix Paula should not be Trump’s spiritual adviser because a woman is unqualified to hold the position of pastor. He writes:
Speaking on CNN, this past Thursday, January 5th, 2016, Paula White, spiritual adviser to Trump and Senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida defended herself against accusations of being a Trinity-denying false teacher and preaching the false gospel known as the “Prosperity Gospel.” Over the past years, much criticism has been rightly raised by those in Orthodox Evangelical circles about Pastrix Paula White’s validity due to her heretical theological stance on core essentials of the Christian faith. In the past at Pulpit & Pen, our authors and contributors have raised much concern over Paula White and her false teachings.