No Middle Ground: Evangelical Leaders Reject Compromise on LGBT and Religious Rights

Christianity Today’s Kate Shellnutt reveals who the leaders are and tells us why they refuse to compromise. Albert Mohler addresses Shellnutt’s piece in The Briefing under the heading “Religious liberty in the balance: Why the Fairness for All campaign is a threat to religious liberty.” Dr. Mohler warns that the LGBT revolutionaries won’t settle for any sort of compromise. Evangelicals know this all too well.

Now to Shellnutt’s piece:

Compromises designed to safeguard both religious freedoms and LGBT rights won’t fly among many of America’s most influential conservative Christians.

Leaders from nearly 90 evangelical seminaries, publications, ministries, and churches—as well as Catholic and Orthodox clergy—signed a statement last month rejecting any legal efforts to protect sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).

“[We] believe that proposed SOGI laws, including those narrowly crafted, threaten fundamental freedoms,” they wrote as part of the “Preserve Freedom, Reject Coercion” campaign, hosted by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

The declaration follows months of conversations among Christian college leaders around the Fairness for All strategy, which would bring religious leaders and LGBT advocates together to try to secure satisfactory legal protections for both. Parties from each side of the conversation are convening this weekend for a conference at Yale University.

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