A Pox Upon Our House: Three Chronic Diseases Plaguing Women’s Ministry

Bible study author, speaker and blogger Michelle Lesley examines women’s ministries. According to Lesley, women’s groups aren’t nearly as effective as they could be for a umber of reasons. For example, because many women hardly ever read and study their bibles they’re biblically illiterate. In other words, they know not what they believe and why they believe it; thus, they get caught up in fads and false teaching — and that’s a fact.

Lesley not only tells us what the problems plaguing women’s ministries are, she’s written a prescription for the cure. And by the way, men’s ministries aren’t immune to some of the ills that plague women’s ministries. Men are also susceptible to fads and false teaching.

“What’s the number one problem in women’s ministry today?”

It’s a question I was recently asked in an interview; one I can’t get off my mind. There are many good and wonderful things I see trending in women’s ministry, which are creating an increasing number of biblically strong, godly Christian women. But those women are still a tiny minority – a remnant, you might say – in contemporary evangelicalism. The problems, on the other hand? Overwhelming. Discouraging. Pervasive.

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