Anne Graham Lotz Says Father Died on Feb 21 to Symbolize He’s Moses

(Pulpit & Pen News) In the epistle of Jude verse 9 we find a dispute between Satan and Michael the Archangel over the bones of Moses. Different theories have arisen to explain why the two angels would fight over the bones of a dead man, but one seems to have consistently risen to the top of plausibility. It’s likely that the Israelites would have venerated his bones – much like the necromantic death-cult of Roman Catholicism does today – with Satan desiring to parade his bones and Michael preferring they be put to rest.

To our knowledge, there are no credible reports that Lucifer and Michael the Archangel are contending over the actual physical corpse of Billy Graham. View article →

See also:

Open Letter to Anne Graham Lotz Regarding the Circle Maker