Cardinal: Pope’s Failure to Transmit Faith Clearly Hints at Apostasy

The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the one true Church. CRN’s view is that the RCC is apostate. We urge you to read our informative Research Paper and see for yourself that the doctrines long held and taught by the RCC stand in stark contrast with true biblical Christianity.

Now to Michael W. Chapman’s post over at CNSNews. 

In a forceful commentary on Pope Francis’ decision to not give the German bishops clear guidance on whether Protestants married to Catholics may receive Holy Communion at Mass — intercommunion — in some cases, Cardinal William Eijk of the Netherlands said this was “completely incomprehemsible” and reminded him of the Church’s teaching about its “ultimate trial” and “the price of apostasy from the truth.”

Cardinal Eijk, the Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands, published his remarks in the May 5 edition of the National Catholic Register.

As the cardinal explained, in recent weeks a large majority of the German bishops voted to allow the Protestant spouses of Catholics to, under certain circumstances, receive Holy Communion at a Catholic Mass. This could occur if the Protestant discerned his (or her) situation with a priest and affirmed the Catholic faith.

However, seven German bishops opposed that idea because it violates the fundamental and long-held teaching of the Church on intercommunion, which says that only in dire situations, such as “danger of death” or “some other grave necessity” may a Protestant receive the Eucharist. View article →

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