Unbelief, signs, and wonders

48 Therefore, Jesus said to him, “Except you see signs and wonders you never believe!” John 4:48 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

I lived in the Kansas City area from September 2001 until the first couple of weeks of December 2012.  In Kansas City is a “church” that calls itself “World Revival Church.” It is closely associated with another “church” that was once sued by the corporation ‘International House of Pancakes’ because it used the same logo, i.e. IHOP. In any case, the people behind these “churches” advertised heavily on local television during the evening news hour while we lived there. The focus of their ads was not to come there to see God glorified or to come and learn about Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Nope, it was all about “feelings” and “being blessed” and “experiences.” … View article →