Race Baiting: Beth Moore and the Black Sheep

The article begins with a screen capture of Beth Moore’s response to a tweet. She writes: So agree. It’s way past time to inventory our personal libraries, to add to them where they are woefully lacking & to quit being clay theologically shaped by only one shade of hands. That needs to be over. It has failed and robbed us. For starters, Jesus didn’t have white hands.

(Seth Dunn – Pulpit & Pen)  The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is in crisis.  It’s dying out.  I mean that quite literally.  The old white people who line the pews of the typical SBC church are dying.  Dead people don’t tithe.  Dead people don’t shop at LifeWay. …

This has already been recognized by those at the top of the economic heap in the SBC, those who most benefit from the millions of dollars given and spent by Southern Baptists every year.  In order to stay in the green, SBC leaders recognize that they must reach outside of the white.  Make no mistake, this is not a matter of spirituality, it’s a matter of cold, hard cash and marketing demographics.  Historically, the SBC has not received much money from black people.   Currently, church attendance among whites is trending downward while black and Hispanic church attendance rates are holding somewhat steady.  Thus, a concerted effort to encourage people of color to participate in SBC life has been launched.  It’s not by accident that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has a “Kingdom Diversity” office.   It’s not coincidental that the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has held a “Racial Reconciliation” conference.   It’s no surprise that Beth Moore, the unofficial first lady of the SBC and one of LifeWay’s most popular authors, is now tweeting that skin color is relevant when it comes to book authorship.  In a response to a tweet inquiring about influential theological books, Moore had the following response:


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Beth Moore

Priscilla Shirer