Academic stopped from researching ‘sex-swap regret’ says accusations of ‘transphobia’ are stifling debate

In October a group of 54 academics wrote a letter to The Guardian, outlining their concerns about “the suppression of proper academic analysis and discussion of the social phenomenon of transgenderism”.

(The Christian Institute)  An academic has challenged a decision by Bath Spa University to refuse him permission to research trans regret.

Psychotherapist James Caspian wanted to study people who had undergone ‘sex-change’ operations only to later regret their decision and seek to reverse their transition.

His research proposal was rejected by the university for being “politically incorrect”. Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, he said: “I was shocked but immediately knew I was in the eye of a storm”.


Caspian believes that his case demonstrates that the fear and sensitivity surrounding trans issues is stifling public debate and preventing them from being “critically examined”.

He said, “it was something people didn’t want to talk about”.

The academic was first stirred to research ‘detransitioning’ following a discussion with a surgeon who informed him of the number of reversal surgeries that he had recently carried out.

His interest was enhanced when he was approached by young women online who told him they had been injected with male hormones and undergone double mastectomies, only to later change their minds. View article →


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H/T Christian News Network