The Gospel Coalition’s Christian ‘Gay Celibacy’ Movement is a Biblical Farce

“Sam Allberry is one of the founders of the same-sex ministry, Living Out, which has an article on its website entitled Celibate Same-Sex Couples that the author essentially says that homosexuals of the same sex can live together — even be physically intimate with each other — so long as it doesn’t involve penetrative sex. …”

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Unless your head has been stuck under a rock for the last few years, you’ve noticed a massive paradigm shift in Evangelical Christianity calling on Christians to embrace a new ideology — “gay celibacy.” Largely promoted from liberal outlets like The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the movement teaches that that people who experience attraction to others of the same sex need not be concerned, so long as they remain celibate.

This idea is completely foreign to historic, orthodox, biblical Christianity. The movement and its proponents — such as Sam Allberry, an openly gay Anglican priest — teach that same-sex attraction, in and of itself, is not sinful and that it’s only sinful once acted upon. In fact, Allberry, a prominent TGC contributor, recently presented at a Ravi Zacharias conference where he expressed that same-sex attraction can be sinful if it is acted upon, even mentally. However, what he fails to acknowledge is that once you’ve experienced the same-sex attraction, you’ve already had the thought, therefore, you’ve already acted upon it mentally.

Consider what Allberry said regarding his own experience of homosexuality. He states,

I am same-sex attracted and have been my entire life. By that, I mean that I have sexual, romantic and deep-emotional attractions to people of the same sex.

Of course, the Bible teaches that this is not only sinful, but completely against God’s created natural order, and this clearly falls into the category of “evil desire,” which, according to Colossians 3:5 is idolatry,

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Further, Jesus clearly taught that looking with lust, in and of itself, is sinful — just like actually “acting upon” it — and Paul refers to these unnatural affections in Romans 1:26 as “dishonorable passions (ESV)” and “vile affections (KJV).” Other translations use similar, but harsh terminology, but one can be left with no doubt that same-sex attraction is sinful.    View article →


Sam Allberry

Gay Agenda