Alabama Senate passes bill banning nearly all abortions

“Although the Alabama State House voted to pass the bill last month, 74-3, Democratic lawmakers pressed Tuesday, unsuccessfully, for amendments that would create exceptions in instances of rape and incest.”

(Vandana Rambaran – Fox News)  Alabama’s state Senate passed a controversial bill on Tuesday that would outlaw nearly all abortions in the state and make performing one a felony unless the mother’s health is at risk.

The bill will make the punishment for performing abortions up to 99 years or life in prison, although the woman who received one will not be subject to a felony charge.

The vote is expected to reignite a debate over Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision from 1973 that legalized abortion across the nation, and push Supreme Court justices to re-evaluate the laws.

“The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the courts in 1973 that said the baby in a womb is not a person,” Republican state Rep. Terri Collins said in April.    View article →


Abortion Issues