Alistair Begg Also Shares Concerns About Beth Moore, But Will Still Preach with Her

Begg’s ministry claimed that he accepted the invitation without knowing who else would be partnering with him. First, that’s ill-advised and (probably) wrong. It’s certainly undiscerning and in today’s climate of apostasy, is foolish. It’s alsoirresponsible not to know such things.

(Pulpit & Pen)  Earlier this week, Pulpit & Pen reported on an upcoming conference in which Alistair Begg will ‘share the stage’ with Beth Moore. Begg is certainly not the first Calvinist and/or more-serious Christian leader to preach alongside the wildly egalitarian Social Justice Warrior and newly-charismatic prophetess. John Piper was perhaps the first respectable leader to preach with Moore, but we were nonetheless disappointed in Begg’s decision.

Certainly, there is an absolute implicit approval of one with whom you engage in ministry partnership, to (especially) include sharing a pulpit. God forbid that any respectable Christian leader preach alongside Beth Moore.

And so, Pulpit & Pen readers – many of whom love and support Begg – reached out to Begg to question him.

The reader asked him:

I’m concerned that Alistair is attending the national preach conference with Tony Evans, and Beth Moore, I don’t understand why he would associate his good name with them..whether or not he was aware of it I’m sure he is now and should do the right thing and not only not go, but expose them and the organization or institution that invited them..they to need to be confronted. With the climate of false teachers all over the place today, you would think one would be much more alert as to who they are identified with..I hope Allister does the right thing…    View article →

