Francis Chan Denounces Apologetics, Says Church Unity More Important Than Truth

“Although Chan said that he would put together a team to help him research those he promotes in the future, he has largely dug in his heels on the topic and insists that unity is more important than Biblical truth.”

(Pulpit & Pen)  It should be evident to anyone paying attention that, like many charismatics, the Holy Spirit is not at work in Francis Chan. If He were, Chan would have more discernment, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 5:141 Corinthians 12:10). But instead of exercising any discernment, Chan has chosen to partner himself with the most notorious false teachers on the planet and promote them as brothers in Christ.

The latest news from Chan reveals that he is a man that is very likely one who should be ‘marked and avoided’ as a false teacher (Romans 16:17).

Following on the heels of his partnership, endorsement, and promotion of men like the famous parlor-tricksters and faux-miracle carnival barkers, Benny Hinn and Todd White at The Send Conference, Chan claimed to have not previously investigated the prosperity preachers and wasn’t aware of their heresies. Most evangelicals responded incredulously because it’s hard to believe that Chan was unaware of their heresies; but, it’s easier than believing he doesn’t care about their heresies.  View article →


Francis Chan


Word of Faith/Name-it-and-claim-it/Prosperity Gospel