Martin Luther King Jr. Was Reportedly An Abuser Who Laughed At Rape. Is It Time To Tear His Monuments Down?

“It is sad that the achievements of our Founding Fathers come with a giant asterisk because their zeal for freedom and liberty did not apply to non-whites. Well, a similar asterisk now accompanies King, whose zeal for equal rights did not apply to the woman whose brutal rape he reportedly applauded. If an asterisk is enough to knock down a statue, then King’s statues must be toppled, too.”

(Matt Walsh – Daily Wire)  A report in a publication called Standpoint makes some startling claims about civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. We should note that this article is in something called Standpoint, rather than, say, The New York Times, because the American mainstream media did not have the courage for it. Indeed, David Garrow, the award-winning biographer who authored the piece based on information found in FBI documents, was not able to find any outlet in the United States willing to publish the details.

Here’s what Garrow has to say:

Newly-released documents reveal the full extent of the FBI’s surveillance of the civil rights leader Dr Martin Luther King in the mid-1960s. They expose in graphic detail the FBI’s intense focus on King’s extensive extramarital sexual relationships with dozens of women, and also his presence in a Washington hotel room when a friend, a Baptist minister, allegedly raped one of his “parishioners”, while King “looked on, laughed and offered advice.” The FBI’s tape recording of that criminal assault still exists today, resting under court seal in a National Archives vault.


At the Willard Hotel, King and his friends’ activities resumed the following evening as approximately 12 individuals “participated in a sex orgy” which the prudish [Assistant Director William C. Sullivan, head of the Domestic Intelligence Division] felt included “acts of degeneracy and depravity … When one of the women shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and several of the men discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect. King told her that to perform such an act would ‘help your soul.’”    View article →