Kissing Marriage Goodbye: Joshua Harris Announces Divorce

Harris continued, “In recent years, some significant changes have taken place in both of us. It is with sincere love for one another and understanding of our unique story as a couple that we are moving forward with this decision. We hope to create a generous and supportive future for each other and for our three amazing children in the years ahead. Thank you for your understanding and for respecting our privacy during a difficult time.”

(Pulpit & Pen)  Joshua Harris, perhaps the most popular figure in the ‘purity movement’, announced an amicable divorce from his wife. The change comes several years after Harris denounced Christian courtship as an unhealthy trend.

Joshua Harris was the heir-apparent at C.J. Mahaney’s Sovereign Grace organization. Born in 1974, Harris rose to fame with his 1997 book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye. That book promoted ‘purity culture’ (as Rachel Held Evans and other ex-evangelicals would call it), which advocated for an end to recreational dating. Marriages could be made, Harris argued, through Biblical courtship in which physical contact was restricted, parents were involved (although it did not advocate arranged marriages), and clear guidelines for expected conduct were set.  View article →


What does the Bible teach about divorce?