Occultist Swedenborg’s influence on A.A.’s co-founder Bill Wilson

“Swedenborg’s influence upon Bill Wilson can be observed during the 1950s when Wilson was experimenting with LSD as a means of helping alcoholics. One of the basic Swedenborgian terms is “influx.” Swedenborg wrote about both physical and spiritual influx.”

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire)  “In January of 1918 Bill and Lois were married in the Swedenborgian church in Brooklyn, New York.”[1]

“Bill learned that [Lois’ family] were all Swedenborgians, and the mystic aspect of the faith so fascinated them they vowed to explore it more deeply one day.”[2]

A.A. co-founder Bill Wilson married into a Swedenborgian family, and Swedenborgian spirituality left a lasting imprint upon him. Significant Swedenborgian and New Thought influence render absurd any notion about Bill Wilson having been a born again Christian.

So, first, just to get a sense of how far removed Swedenborgianism is from biblical Christianity, here are some of this religion’s teachings:

“God has many names, depending on the beliefs/religion of the individual; the Holy Spirit is not God; the Trinity does not exist; Jesus Christ’s death did not atone for our sin; salvation comes by practicing what you believe, whatever religion it might be; the afterlife is spiritual, but dependent on how well you lived in your physical body.” Source     View article →



New Age/New Thought Spirituality