Michael Brown is An Apologist for the Devil

Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:10), and at every point possible, Michael Brown attacks that gift of the Third Person. Brown lamented that Bentley was publicly outed (again) as an adulterer and abuser. He wrote…”I have no comment on the most recent accusations against Todd, since I do not know what is false and what is true. But I do know this (and it applies especially to those of us in leadership): God gives us many opportunities to repent in private before allowing us to be exposed publicly.”

(Pulpit & Pen)  Michael Brown is a popular ‘Christian’ apologist who is right on some issues, but damnably wrong on others. But more than anything, Michael Brown is an apologist for the worst and most extreme occultism of hyper-charismania. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll see that Michael Brown is an apologist for the devil.

Most recently, Michael Brown defended Bethel from harsh criticism regarding their new gay-friendly agenda and (within the same news cycle) attacked discerning Christians for reporting on Todd Bentley’s homosexuality and polyamory.


Michael Brown is the de facto chief of charismatic intellectuals and is in many ways superior to most Second Wave charismatic scholars. Unfortunately, Brown is who hyper-charismatics turn to when trying to defend the indefensible. Brown can, in fact, oftentimes be found covering up traces of the occult in Pentecostal Christianity.

Here are just a few examples of when Michael Brown came to the rescue of hyper-charismatic scoundrels who were caught red-handed in heresy, personal scandal, or well-deserved controversy.


When Kenneth Copeland recently shook his finger demonically at a reporter and legitimately seemed to be possessed of devils (it was so notable that it sent a chill down the spine of secularists and Christians alike) in anger over his Mammon-funded private jet, Michael Brown came out to defend the Word-Faith prosperity hustler. Michael Brown took to publications to write defenses of Copeland, claiming that taking luxurious private jets saves money. Keep in mind, in spite of teaching the prosperity gospel and little-god theology, Brown affirmed Copeland – one of the most wicked ministers in the world – as a Christian brother.

In that case, Michael Brown also attacked discerning Christians and accused them of being too judgmental.


After Bethel Church in Redding was written about in the press for endorsing the use of “Christian Tarot Cards,” Michael Brown then went on his program to argue the occultic cards were relatively innocent and harmless.

In that case, Brown attacked discerning Christians and claimed they came to conclusions too quickly.


After Carl Lentz of Hillsong went on Oprah and made pro-abortion comments for which he was attacked by Christians everywhere, Jews like Ben Shapiro, and Papists like Matt Walsh, Michael Brown went out to defend Lentz’ pro-abortion comments. Claiming he reached out to Lentz privately, he guaranteed us Lentz didn’t mean what he said on Oprah and prayed that Lentz “would become a leader in the pro-life movement.” Of course, that did not happen and Lentz is more liberal by the day.

In that case, Brown attacked discerning Christians and claimed that they were too judgmental.    View article →


Michael Brown


New Apostolic Reformation