John MacArthur Calls Tullian Tchividjian a Heretic, Created a Theology to Accommodate His Sin

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(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  John MacArthur is one of the foremost living defenders of the faith in this day and age and one of the few well-known pastors left who aren’t afraid to call out false teachers. Recently, MacArthur preached a sermon at a Master’s Seminary chapel on Jude — defending the faith and calling out false teachers — whereby he called out the fallen pastor Tullian Tchividjian on his heresy of antinomianism.

Antinomianism is a heresy rampant in certain Evangelical and Protestant circles that teaches that Christians are exempt from the obligations of the moral law of God. Generally, antinomianism manifests in its adherents falling into deep sin, often sexually immorality, but others as well such as alcohol abuse, habitual swearing, financial fraud, etc.  View article →


Tullian Tchividjian
