The instructor’s clip says “Gender…is your own internal sense of self, how you express yourself, cultural expectations for what it means to be a man and a woman, or one’s biological sex.”
(Pulpit & Pen) A Christian University in America’s heartland originally named after the Synod of Dordrecht – an important council of Protestant Reformed history that opposed Arminianism – has apparently adopted a science-fiction view of gender and is now teaching that it is determined by clothing choice rather than God’s immutable decrees as revealed in human biology.
There was once a time when universities were expected to teach science, and Christian universities were expected to teach both science and a Biblical worldview. Dordt University in Sioux Center, Iowa, is doing neither.
Associated with the Christian Reformed Chruch, the school of 1500 students and 85 faculty members, has begun to teach – as the following video reveals – that gender can be as fluid as someone’s attire. In promoting these ideas in the video below, the presented quoted from Revoice pro-LGBTQ organizer with an apropos last name, Preston Sprinkle.