CRN articles about Education
- Trump Executive Order Seeks End to K-12 ‘Indoctrination’
- Biden ‘Forgives’ $9B in College Loans for a Total of $127B
- Repost: ‘The Words You Spoke Are Disturbing’: Kennedy Stuns As He Reads Explicit Kids’ Books During Hearing
- ‘The Words You Spoke Are Disturbing’: Kennedy Stuns As He Reads Explicit Kids’ Books During Hearing
- Supreme Court strikes down Biden’s multibillion dollar student loan forgiveness plan
- Supreme Court rules against affirmative action, in favor of religious liberty
- Texas public universities offering women’s studies courses on witchcraft, ‘worship of the devil’
- ‘USA Are My Pronouns:’ Middle Schoolers Rebel Against Pride Month Indoctrination
- Teachers Get Their Due Two Years After School System Fires Them for Not Getting Vaxxed
- Union Seminary Now Offering a Master of Arts Program on Connecting With Trees, Soil, and Other Species
- Federal Judge in Texas Blocks Biden’s Student Loan Handouts
- Vanderbilt Faces Intense Backlash Over ‘Pediatric Transgender Clinic,’ Faith Leaders Speak Out
- ‘LGBTQ History Month’ CANCELLED after parental backlash in Miami-Dade
- The Archdiocese of Omaha Has Issued Gender Policies for Its Schools, and Not Everyone Is Happy About It
- 615 Midwestern Teachers Reveal Why They’re Really Leaving the Classroom
- Dordt (Christian) University Now Teaching Gender is Determined by Clothing Choice
- BOMBSHELL: Indisputable Proof SWBTS Lied; ERLC Targeted Professor for Preaching Against LGBT ‘Revoice’ Theology
- Charlie Kirk, TPUSA Host ‘Pastors Summit’ Headlined by Atheist
- In a Surprising Move, Left-Drifting Reformed Denomination Codifies Homosexuality as Sin in Revised Confession
- SEBTS Says ‘Anonymous Couple’ was Source of Tom Buck Letter Leak, Shuts Down Further Inquiry
- Liberty U Hires Walmart, Goldman Sachs ‘Diversity Expert’ as Executive VP of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
- Parents protesting school COVID policies faced ‘dozens’ of FBI investigations: GOP lawmakers
- Think Tank Finds Lockdowns Failed To Prevent COVID Cases, Deaths
- Disney Releases ‘Gayest Kids Movie Yet,’ Produced Long Before Florida Grooming Controversy
- Bombshell Pandemic Study: Blue States Killed People, Ruined Education- Businesses
- Leaked documents show how teachers recruit students, form gay and transgender clubs in schools
- Ron DeSantis Slams Leftists Lying About the Parental Rights Bill: ‘They Support Sexualizing Kids in Kindergarten’
- University Caught Storing Bags of Aborted Babies and Aborted Baby Parts
- Texas Elementary School Has Kids Participate In Pride Parade Complete With Rainbow Flags And Everything
- Video surfaces of young child being led through his ‘Gay BCs’
- Marvel Comics Joins the Ranks of Child Groomers, Opposes Florida’s Child Safety Legislation
- Disney CEO Wants K-3 Transgenderism in FL Schools
- Doctors Declare ‘National Emergency’ In Children’s Mental Health
- Gender-Fluid School Bathroom Rapist Takes Third Victim, Court Proceedings Allege
- CHILLING: The American Bar Association Just Mandated ‘Wokeness’
- Exclusive Footage — Private Schools Nation-Wide Pushing ‘Queer Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K
- ‘Undercover Mothers’: Moms Form Covert Network to Expose Indoctrination Programs Plaguing Private Schools Across the Country
- Father Breaks Down: ‘I Will Never Forgive Myself For Not Fighting More’ Against Child Mask Mandates
- Unvaccinated California Students Were Corralled Behind Police Tape At School
- More bad news on Covid vaccines and myocarditis in men under 40 – even as more colleges require booster shots for students
- NBC’s Today Show Pushes Tightly Masking Small Kids
- Joe Biden Gaslights America! Year-End Recap: Claims Americans Are Better Off
- Biden’s Surgeon General: Lockdowns Fuel Youth Mental Health Crisis
- Jim Jordan Demands FBI Director Wray Disclose All ‘Counterterrorism’ Efforts Against Parents After Whistleblower Report
- Southern Seminary and Al Mohler File Lawsuit Against Biden Admin Vaccine Mandates
- Buyer’s Remorse: Americans repudiate leftward drift on cops, schools and economy
- Teacher Pushed Out After Attending J6 Rally Is Now on the School Board
- Attorney General Garland’s Son-In-Law Benefits From Critical Race Theory
- Florida Mom Gets Standing Ovation for Condemning ‘Anti-Biblical’ CRT, Calling for ‘Mass Exodus’ from Public Schools
- Biden Administration Caught Colluding to Silence America’s Parents. Mark Levin Has the Receipts
- Rand Paul’s Warning to Americans: ‘Be Afraid of Your Government’
- California to require all schoolchildren to get COVID shots
- Voting With Their Feet: Parents Taking Their Kids Out of Traditional Public Schools in Astounding Numbers
- Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary … Nobody Knows Where It Came From’
- ‘Christian Evangelicals Are America’s Taliban’: Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
- Large CDC Study Doesn’t Support Mask Mandates in Schools
- Black father tells board CRT keeps racism on ‘life support’, moments later they vote to ban it
- Protests Erupt in Tennessee and Kentucky over Mask Mandates and Forced Vaccinations
- BOMBSHELL: University of Pittsburgh likely harvesting organs from abortion survivors, with quota for racial minorities
- Educators face termination for proposing male-only, female-only bathrooms in schools
- Ron DeSantis Says He Will Put on ‘Full Armor of God’ to Fight Leftism
- Virginia mom who survived Maoist China eviscerates school board’s critical race theory push
- Parents Are Revolting, Teachers Are Resigning, and This Dangerous Leftist Ideology Is to Blame
- BREAKING: Judge Orders School District to Reinstate PE Teacher Who Opposed Transgender Policy
- Judge rules Christian college must follow Biden rule opening dorms, showers to opposite sex
- LOL: Hunter Biden to Guest Teach University Class on ‘Fake News’
- Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality
- LGBT Advocates Want Schools to Replace ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’ With ‘Inclusive’ Language
- The Latest Canceling at Vanderbilt Shows That Everyone Is Awful and We Are All Doomed
- USA Today Says Christian Values are ‘Archaic,’ Wants Christian School Oral Roberts Banned
- From the Everything Is Stupid Files: Dr. Seuss Books Declared Racist
- When the White House Can’t Handle the Truth
- The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools
- School Coloring Book: ‘Everyone Gets to Choose if They Are a Girl or a Boy or Both or Neither or Something Else’
- Google confirms it notifies children if parents are monitoring their accounts
- Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt ‘Government Ideology’ or Pay $100K
- California School District Adapts Radical Sex Ed Curriculum for Middle School: Gender Identity, Condom Demos
- Falwell Jr claims wife’s illicit affair and ‘fatal attraction’ situation threatened to ruin family
- Woman Defeats Antifa Kids and Defends Teddy Roosevelt Statue
- Oxford Prof: Academics Fear Mob Will Destroy Their Careers If They Defend British Empire
- George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America
- Kids as young as 11 told to define hardcore porn for homework
- Over 100 Pastors Sign Letter to Ohio Board of Education Opposing Yoga, Meditation Being Taught in Schools
- US Dept. of Justice Agrees It Is Not Fair for Males Who Identify as Female to Compete in Girls’ Sports
- The News You Won’t Believe
- Teacher Training Program Used Across The U.S. Is Hostile To Whites
- MassResistance stops a horrible ‘Drag Queen’ event from taking place in public library
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Lies Exposed On National Show
- Tapes, emails and now a witness against Southwestern
- Female Student Breaks Down In Tears As School Board Grants Boys Access To Girls Locker Room. This Is Simply Evil.
- Teacher Defends Drag Queen Makeup Class: Parents ‘Don’t Know What’s Best’ for Their Children
- California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Mandating Free Abortions at All Colleges and Universities
- Gender historian admits he ‘basically just made up’ claims in transgender scholarship
- Falwell Jr. says FBI to investigate ‘criminal conspiracy’ at Liberty University
- Poll: 73% Of Republican College Students Have Kept Quiet In Class Out Of Fear Of Backlash
- Mandatory Teacher Training Denigrates Christianity, Exalts Islam
- National conference teaches librarians how to sneak drag queens past parents
- Teen ‘Pride’ Event Includes ‘Chest Binder’ Giveaway, Info on How to Use Condoms, Drag Show
- High school athletes file complaint over transgender policy
- California Authorities Raid Christian School, Order it to Change Beliefs on Sex
- Univ. Of Alabama Returns $21.5 Million Gift; Donor Urged Boycott Over Abortion Law
- ‘LGBT Explosion’: Pa. High School’s ‘Gay-Straight Alliance’ Presents Drag Show in Auditorium During School Hours
- Seminary President Admits She Doesn’t Believe in Heaven, Miracles or Christ’s Resurrection
- Pedophilia Being Taught As ‘Sexual Orientation’ in California Schools
- Ted Cruz Threatens Lawsuit After Yale Law School Blacklists Christian Firms
- Yale Law School Yanks Stipends From Students Who Work For Christian Firms
- Trump Will Sign Executive Order ‘Requiring Colleges and Universities to Support Free Speech’
- Drag Queen Story Time for Kids at Philadelphia-Area Library Sparks Protest
- Socialist students bawk to ban ‘white supremacist’ ‘capitalist cult’ Chick-fil-A
- Conservative Christians Want To Stop Kids Meditating At School
- College Men Try to Ban Porn From Campus WIFI, Saying ‘Pornography is Prostitution’
- University hosts ‘critical look at whiteness’ forum and decides Veggie Tales is racist
- Not The Babylon Bee: Christian At UC-Berkeley Harassed, Denounced For Saying There Are Two Sexes
- Oxford Students Vote to Ban Christian Group From College as it Would Threaten Their ‘Physical, Mental Safety’
- Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen ‘Jessica L’Whor’ Speaks At School Career Day
- ‘Make them scared’ website posts uncorroborated sexual assault claims against male students
- Six-Year-Old School Children Instructed to Write Gay Love Letters to Make Them ‘Accepting of Diversity’
- Prominent Christian College Removes Ban On Public LGBTQ Relationships
- Two Religious Organizations File Suit In Attempt To Stop Drag Queen Story Time At Lafayette Library
- ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Sparking Protests in Southern Cities
- Brown University provides ‘safe spaces’ … for men
- Trinity Western University to No Longer Require Students to Sign Lifestyle Covenant Saving Sex for Marriage
- Evangelical Fuller Seminary to Lead Plan to Foster Unity With Muslims, Address Islamophobia
- ‘Are You Gay Allies?’: Creepy Government Video Indoctrinates Children for Pride Month
- Middle Schoolers in West Virginia Had to Write ‘Allah Is One True God’ in Arabic
- Catholic University Opens Sex-Segregated Prayer Space For Muslim Students
- 65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math
- Parents rally against public school sex-ed over pro-choice, gay rights ideas
- Pro-Life Students Stage Nationwide Walkout to Protest Abortion
- Temple’s faculty is ‘unlearning’ the gender binary system
- University Goes Further Into PC Oblivion With Brand New Pronouns to ‘Keep Students Safe’
- Moody Bible Institute Takes Bold Step to Affirm Biblical Inerrancy
- Teacher talks about safety after Florida school shooting, is told to get psych exam, go on leave
- Christian College Thanks God for Victory in 5-Year Religious Rights Battle
- Israel Has Only Had 2 School Attacks in 44 Years, Here’s How They Make Sure Their Kids Are Safe
- Univ. cancels Ken Ham after LGBT group ‘put up a fuss’
- Donor Alert: Pro-Family Cash Is Routed to LGBT Groups Instead
- John Piper Ignites Debate for Saying Only Men Should Teach at Seminaries
- The Turpin Case Has Nothing To Do With Homeschool. And Public School Is Still More Dangerous.
- Swarthmore College Introduces ‘Queering the Bible’ Course
- ‘Killer Klown’ Drag Queen Reads to Children at Michelle Obama Library for ‘LGBTQ History Month’
- Pro-Life Students Should Have Same Rights as Superstar Athletes
- Adrian Rogers center has a commitment to expository preaching
- UC Santa Cruz Art Department Chair: Have Sex with Earth to Save It
- Colleges rocked by left-wing rallies face backlash from parents, donors
- College’s ‘Welcome’ Concert Celebrates Misogyny, Drug Use
- Parents of Eight-Year-Old Boy Who Identifies as Girl Sue School for ‘Forcing’ Son ‘to Live as a Boy’
- College Students Who Lost Access to Marijuana Improved Their Grades
- Canadian Christian School Reportedly Told Not to Teach ‘Offensive’ Bible Verses to Children
- Parents Horrified by Man’s Risque’ Drag Performance at Children’s Talent Show
- Top Private School Brings in Skirts for Boys Amidst ‘Surge’ in ‘Trans Children’
- Taxpayer-Funded University LITERALLY Creates Segregated Dorm For Black People
- Christian college demands staff sign statement opposing gay marriage, faculty threaten to leave
- Krauthammer on Coulter at Berkeley: ‘Reaching a Situation Where’ ‘Fascist Gangs Can Shut Down Free Speech’
- Lawsuit sparks debate on West Virginia public school bible classes
- Liberty University Gets A Digital Detox Through Center For Digital Wellness
- Official Harvard Guide: Gender Can ‘Change From Day to Day’
- LGBT movement’s other goal: Lower age of consent to 10 years old for psychiatric therapy – without parents’ knowledge or consent!
- Calls Grow to Use National Guard to Protect Coulter, Free Speech at Berkeley
- UK Teachers: Children As Young As 2 Should Be Taught About Gay And Transgender Issues
- Entire Faculty Senate Resigns After LGBT Activist Professor Denied Promotion
- North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy Following Complaints
- Bethel faculty: Bible compels us to use inclusive language
- A real school of witchcraft is opening this summer in an ancient British castle
- 53 U.S. Companies Join Legal Brief Asking Supreme Court to Allow Girl in Boys’ Restroom
- College Progressives Are Taught to Battle Conservatives
- Reading, Writing, and Revolution on Our College Campuses
- Trump Threatens to Cancel Berkeley Federal Funds After Riots Shut Down Event
- Liberty University to Open First On-Campus Firing Range in Nation
- See College Students’ Responses When Asked to Compare Castro to Trump
- Yes, You’re Right, Colleges Are Liberal Bubbles. Here’s the Data.
- Professor on Ultrasound Requirement for Abortion: ‘Could Be Compared to a State-sanctioned Rape’
- Scenes from the liberal meltdown
- University of Toronto Students Disrupt Speech of Professor Refusing to Use “Transgender” Pronouns
- U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Decide Whether Govt. Can Require School to Let Girl in Boys’ Restroom
- Millennials desperately need to bone up on the history of communism
- Gender-neutral bathrooms, high-quality ethnic studies class and other changes coming to California schools
- Federal Judge Rules Wisconsin School District Must Allow Girl in Boys’ Restroom While Lawsuit Proceeds
- Girl Who Identifies as Boy Becomes First “Transgender” Allowed on School’s Football Team
- Canadian Pastor Ordered to Allow Gay-Straight Alliances at His Christian Schools
- Sex Bureaucracy Expands, Gets More Intrusive at Colleges
- The Shocking State of Americans’ Civic Illiteracy
- Overpriced Fancypants University Festoons Campus With Absurd “Ze, Zir, Zirs”
- University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming
- New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students
- University of New Mexico Chancellor Admits Brains of Aborted Babies Dissected During “Summer Workshop”
- Texas Judge Blocks Obama Admin’s Policy Allowing Male Students in Girls’ Restrooms
- HRC’s Back-to-School Tips: Add LGBTQ Topics to Math Problems, Check Pronouns
- DC Public School Official: More Than 15% of Students Identify as LGBQ
- Nation’s Oldest Catholic University Appoints First Full-Time “Director for Hindu Life”
- California Lawmaker Alters Bill That Allowed Homosexual Students to Sue Christian Colleges for Discrimination
- California Board of Education Votes to Include Homosexuality in Lessons Second Grade and Up
- California bill would ultimately erase religious schools
- New Study Shows ’90s Era Condoms Programs Increased Teen Fertility Rates
- Common Core Does Not Prepare Students for College, New Report Finds
- Norwegian Government to Return Children Seized Over Concerns About Family’s Faith
- Washington State To Teach Transgenderism To Kindergartners
- Portland Public School Board Bans Climate-change Denying Material
- A Conservative Fights Back Against College Campus Free Speech Crackdowns
- College coaches join the call for answers as Baylor allegations keep growing
- White House Suggests “Just Putting Up Curtains” Will Protect Privacy in Transgender Locker Rooms
- Obama Admin Demands Schools Nationwide Allow Boys in Girls’ Restrooms or Lose Funding
- Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot
- College Applications Just Got Way More Gender-Inclusive
- UNC Students Fight Back Against Obama Administration Bathroom Lawsuit
- DOJ’s Lawsuit Against North Carolina Is Abuse of Power
- Justice Dept. to N.C. universities: Break transgender bathroom law or lose millions in funding
- Missouri Grad Student Thrown Out Of Counseling Program For Religious Beliefs
- Rutgers Removes Depiction of Jesus Crucified on Dartboard From Art Display Following Complaints
- Video: College Students Polled on Identity Agree Short White Man Can Identify as Tall Chinese Woman
- Oxford theology students can skip Christianity lessons
- Four-Year-Old Booted From Preschool After Mother Objects to Lessons on Homosexuality, Gender
- University of Sydney evangelical students are threatened for voting to keep “Jesus is Lord”
- Gay Rights Groups Urge NCAA to End Ties to Colleges Requesting Title IX Waiver
- Jesuit Georgetown University Elects First Muslim Student Association President
- Language proves God’s existence, prof says
- Wheaton to Invite Muslim, Jewish Scholar to School in Parting Agreement With “Same God” Professor
- Wheaton College hijab-wearing professor who declared “we all worship the same God” will leave
- Liberty University Welcomes Reality Show “Pastor” and Collaborator With “I Am a God” Rapper Kanye West
- Alberta students to define their own gender: 5 big changes in new school guidelines
- Some Wheaton College alumni back professor, threaten to rethink donations
- Norway Officials Place Children Seized From Parents Over “Christian Indoctrination” Up for Adoption
- Schools must teach Great Britain is a Christian country, secretary says
- Wheaton College Suspends Hijab-Wearing Professor Who Declared “We All Worship Same God”
- Ole Miss renames Christmas a “Hotty Toddy Holiday”
- Black student at Occidental charges conservatives not protesting are “marginalized” and bullied
- Evangelical Grand Canyon University to Grant Employee Benefits to Homosexual Staff
- Childcare worker fired for refusing to call girl, 6, made “transgender” by same-sex parents, a boy
- UWM offers “voice feminization therapy” to help students “live their gender identities”
- Peeping Toms lead college to reconsider gender-neutral bathrooms
- Two Mennonite Colleges Announce Hiring Policy Change to Employ “Married” Homosexuals
- Baylor drops reference to “homosexual acts” in sexual conduct policy
- Teacher Who Read Homosexual Book to Third Graders Resigns Following Parental Outrcy
- Madeleine L’Engle’s foundation awards grant to LGBT group at Wheaton College
- The Rainbow Rage Mob Takes Another Hit From Trump
- Trump Close to Signing Order for Dismantling Education Dept
- Pro-Hamas Foreign Students Are About to Be Deported
- Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry
- Wait Until You Hear What Planned Parenthood Was Just Caught Doing
- On Nov 5th, the Kingdom of Sauron (Satan) was defeated
- Four Losers From Last Week’s Election
- This Race Is Close Only Because the Public Education Indoctrination Mill Has Succeeded
- Wealthy Washington D.C. suburb’s no-exception LGBTQ curriculum faces headwinds at Supreme Court
- CDC: One in 30 High Schoolers Is Transgender
- Palestinian Thugs at UCLA Shut Down My Scheduled Speech. Now, YAF Is Suing.
- Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps
- Teacher Arrested at His Home for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns at School
- Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools
- Building a Culture of Truth
- The Ten Commandments Should Be Taught In Classrooms, Not Just Hung On The Wall
- Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly
- World’s largest children’s books publisher releases radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ guide targeting K-12 children
- Federal Appeals Judge Rules Parents Can’t Opt Children Out of Sexualized LGBTQ Propaganda in Public Schools
- Victor Davis Hanson on the Bud Lighting of the Elite Colleges
- U.K. Orders Schools Not to Teach ‘Gender Identity’
- Donors, Parents, and Taxpayers Can Fight College Social Activism
- Call them racist? Teachers union worked with feds to neutralize parents with concerns about CRT
- Victor Davis Hanson and the Dumb Kids in Ivy Leagues
- Climate Professor Thinks We Should ‘Cull’ the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets
- Two Big Changes in America
- Columbia Students Will Reap the Consequences
- Class Warfare
- What the pro-Palestinian protests are really about
- Frat Boys Launch Their Own Intifada Against Pro-Hamas Radicals on Their Campuses
- Evil Actors Radicalizing Students on Our Campuses Nationwide
- We Surrendered Higher Education to the Left
- Of the 300 Pro-Hamas Agitators Arrested at Columbia, Most Weren’t Students
- WATCH: War at UCLA as Pro-Israel Vigilantes Storm Palestine ‘Encampment’ Overnight
- The Treachery Behind the Protests
- ‘Coming to a Theatre Near You:’ Dershowitz Warns Columbia University Protesters ‘Will Become Terrorists’
- Yeah, They Might Wanna Rethink This: Columbia University Protesters Proclaim ‘We Are Hamas’
- Gen N: The Narcissist Generation
- ‘Trans’ Student With ‘Hit List’ Sends Student to Hospital
- Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming: Florida to Communism-Proof Schoolchildren
- Government-Funded Database Labels Pro-Life Organization As ‘Terrorist Group’
- Marxism: It’s Why We Can’t Have Nice Things — Like an Education
- Matt Walsh Attacks Wokeness On The Right
- It Needs To Stop
- Headed for the Rocks?
- I’ll Vote for Anyone Who Promises to Nuke the Dept. of Education
- What Happened To The Asbury Revival?
- Wheaton College Fires Back After Fox News Accuses Them of Being Woke, But Were They Right?
- Haters Hosting After School Satan Clubs Say They Aren’t About Satan. Don’t You Believe It.
- Border-Jumpers Are Pushing American Kids Out Of School All Across The Country
- California’s Goal: Trans Every Child
- Has Hitler Won On The Left?
- Our Razor’s Edge
- Direct Action Campaign Calls Out Pro-Hamas Campus Hate Groups
- CRT, Genocide, and the Importance of Christian Universities
- The Rot on American Campuses Stinks More Every Day
- Here’s the Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel
- For True Evil, Look Not to Israel or America but to Communism
- Penn loses $100M donation after school president’s Hill testimony on campus antisemitism
- How Were the Universities Lost?
- Weimar America: Normalizing Jew-hatred
- The Disturbing Trend of Being Fired for Refusing to Embrace the Absurdity of Leftism to its Fullest
- Polymorphous perversity in the heartland
- Can We Save our Universities?
- Harvard Med School Course Allows Students to Help with Trans Procedures
- Hamas Terrorist Attack Drove the Left’s Growing Antisemitism Into the Open
- Smartphones Are Dumb
- Emboldened Global Jihad Is Final Nail in Coffin of Mass Migration Delusion
- Civilizational Suicide
- Democrats Want Kids Dumb for Public School Indoctrination
- Scholastic’s Cowering Compromise is Still a Loss for Conservatives and Christians
- Academia Needs to Go Extinct
- Why Are These Kindergarten Children Still in Diapers?
- The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here’s What Will Happen Next.
- Jerry Falwell Digs Up The Bodies: Accuses University Leaders of Sexual and Financial Misconduct
- Something Is Seriously Wrong With Our Leaders
- Sing Louder!
- Wokism: The New Pagan Morality
- Why Young Americans Are Not Taught About Evil
- The New Tower of Babel
- If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time
- U.S. Dept. of Education rolling out deceitful plan to shut down removal of obscene books from schools
- The Importance of Training Children in Biblical Apologetics From a Young Age
- The historical revisionism of the leftist mind
- Destroying the Family
- The Absurdity of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn and Banning Bibles in Their Libraries
- The U.S. Department of Education is Turning Public Schools into Sodom and Gomorrah
- Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?
- Half the Country’s Governors Unite to Defend Women’s Sports Against Biden’s Title IX Rewrite
- Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction
- Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms? Public Schools Are Quickly Becoming LGBTQ Whorehouses
- Manifestations of the Gender Cult
- ‘Trans Dinosaur Expert’ Smuggles Gender Ideology Into Children’s Educational Books
- Feds give pass to Stanford, Harvard Med for racial discrimination favoring blacks
- The Winner’s Chapel and The King’s College
- This Is 2023 Folks! Professor Advocates Murder Over Shouting at Speakers
- ‘Christianity and Liberalism’ at 100
- Stolen Youth: The Cultural Revolution in America
- Parents alarmed by satanist after-school clubs forming across U.S.
- The Astonishing Case of The Lockdown Files
- On Rescuing the Future of America and Recovering the Truths of Our More Perfect Union
- The Woke Wrecking Machine
- Sixth-Grader Reads to School Board From Gay Sex Book Displayed at His School
- Jen Wilkin’s Horrendous Defense of Public Schools
- The Groomers Are Winning
- Let’s have some real talk about this whole Asbury revival thing. We’ll start with a lesson from the Western Front.
- Why 65 Percent of Fourth Graders Can’t Really Read
- Sex Educator for Kids 3-18, Teaches Them to Choose Different Genders
- UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren With SEL, Neuroscience
- Why Is the CDC Telling Schools to Push Transgenderism, LGBT Curricula
- Are Universities Doomed?
- An Open Letter to Christian Parents About Protecting Children from the Public School Indoctrination Camps
- How Fares Academia? Not So Well.
- School District President Resigns After Having High School Kids at ‘Naughty’ Christmas Party
- ‘LGBTQ+ Diversity’ Sex Education for Toddlers Branded ‘Extreme and Unbalanced’
- Here’s What the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Board Did This Week and How It Impacts Your Family
- Here’s What Happened When a Concerned Mom Dressed Like Drag Queen at a School Board Meeting
- Evil In Our Schools and Our Medical Profession
- Behind Closed Doors: American School Counselor Association Conference Exposed
- Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming ‘Christian’ University
- Project Veritas Exposes More Left-wing Indoctrination in Education at Prestigious NYC Private School
- Biden’s Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’ Is an Unjust, Cynical Abuse of Power
- Pedophiles Are Proliferating in Our Schools
- Public Schools Are Cesspools Of Wokeness And There’s No Bringing Them Back
- Portland School District Indoctrinates Students To Become LGBTQ Activists In K-5th Grade
- ‘Fully Woke,’ Reformed Theological Seminary Starts ‘Women in Ministry’ Scholarship
- Courts Call for Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Minnesota and Illinois
- Colleges Are Ethnically Cleansing America’s White Kulaks
- Suicide, Sex and The School Trauma Cult
- Biden Signs an LGBT Executive Order to Overrule the States’ Efforts
- Southeastern Seminary at Center of Plot to Damage Tom Buck
- University investigations suggest right-wing words more dangerous than left-wing force
- Real change will come when people of faith stop behaving like unholy heathens
- A Cabinency of Dunces
- The First Rule of Gay Club Is You DO NOT Talk About Gay Club! Groomer Teachers Plot on Zoom
- Imagine the Unimaginable
- How Bad Was Remote Learning for Students During COVID-19? Bad Enough for the New York Times to Notice
- Tim Mackie’s (The Bible Project) rejection of key biblical doctrine
- Mother says daughter’s entire friend group ‘discovered’ that they are transgender
- ‘God is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim
- Congresswoman Doubles Down on Promoting Drag Queen Story Hour in Cringeworthy Tweets
- TrueAnon: It’s not a conspiracy theory if there really is a conspiracy.
- Public Schools Are Cesspools of Debauchery. Get Your Kids Out Now, Before It’s Too Late
- Ok, Groomers. Leaked Internal Zoom Confirms Disney Drank the Gender Cult Kool-Aid
- Disney employees are planning a major walkout because Florida won’t let teachers talk to 5-year-olds about transgenderism and homosexuality
- 35 Percent of Americans Support Grooming Children in Public Schools
- Attacking the Florida Bill Is the Commies’ Latest Attempt to Have Sex With Your Kids
- KinderCare LGBTQ Curriculum Teaches Infants and Toddlers How to Explore Sexuality, Gender Identity, and Other Sexual Perversions
- Pizza Hut Teaches Kids America is Built on Slavery and Genocide
- Wisconsin School District: Parents ‘Not Entitled’ to Know Kids’ Gender Identity
- Post-Christian Ideologies at Christian and Secular Colleges
- The Return of Roman Religion
- Disgraced FBI No. 2 Calls For Feds To Treat ‘Mainstream’ Conservatives Like Domestic Terrorist
- Western Carolina University Requires RAs to Attend Racial, Gender Sensitivity Trainings
- Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory
- It’s Good to Be Oppressed: Race Huckster Ibram X. Kendi Gets Paid $207 Per Minute for University Lecture
- To save our society, more voices like Abigail Shrier, and more words like this
- The Trend Toward Normalizing Pedophilia Must Be Halted
- A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction
- Repost: Sexual indoctrination of children in public schools
- Sexual indoctrination of children in public schools
- The Shattering of Evangelicalism
- Step Aside, Trans People, The Left has a New Mission: Normalizing Pedophilia
- Watch Out For Millstones
- Stasi in Kansas City: Student Denounces Christian Teacher to Authorities, Gets Him Suspended
- Parents Slam Obama Over ‘Fake Outrage’ Claims at Rally
- Who Will You Serve, God Or The World?
- Al Mohler Ditches T4G, ‘I’ve Got Other Things to Do’
- EPIC: 427,000 Parents Respond to National School Board Association Labeling Them ‘Domestic Terrorists’
- The Biden Justice Department’s lawless threat against American parents
- Seeing the invisible revolution: The Marxists’ long march through America’s institutions
- Concerned Parents Are ‘Immediate Threat’ Says National School Boards Association President—Some Are Even Domestic Terrorists!
- Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students … ‘I Have 180 Days to Turn Them into Revolutionaries
- A Deserved ‘Moment of Truth’ for Public Schools as a Record Number of Parents Opt Out
- Kate’s Kids: The Consequences of Gov. Brown’s Dumbing Down of Education Will Be Devastating
- Segregation returns to America as universities threaten, harass, intimidate unvaxxed students
- VICTORY: Biden Caves on Critical Theories Grant After Parents Push Back
- The rise of a generation of censors: Law schools the latest battlement over free speech
- Despite Opposition, Anti-white CRT Indoctrination Continues Spreading Like a Virus
- To Eradicate Critical Theories in K-12 Parents Need to Know about the Invisible Layer of Control
- Leaked Docs: Critical Race Theory Seeks to Undermine Equality and the Constitutional Order
- One Nation Under ‘Allah’? Graduates Warned of White Supremacy
- Left Foot In, Children’s TV Is Doing the Wokey Pokey
- New Mini-Documentary Exposes Al Mohler’s Complicity in the Southern Baptist Woke Movement
- Drunk on Power: Some Politicians Just Can’t Let Go of Their COVID Lockdowns
- Amazon Driver’s Racial Attack on Older Woman Presages Things to Come
- University That Hired Founder of the Discredited 1619 Project Suddenly Has Second Thoughts…
- Critical Race Theory Finds a Home at Wheaton College
- Rise of the Red Guards
- Critical Race Theory Is About to Face Its Day(s) in Court
- The End of Basic Education: Biden Issues Public School Critical Race Theory Order
- Woke comes for Christian K-12 & homeschools
- Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy
- Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution
- Get ready for the next phase of the cancel culture: It will be the most diabolical yet
- Former Students Sue to Force LGBT Orthodoxy on Christian Colleges
- California Curriculum Leads Kids in Chant to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice
- Opposing Left-Wing Indoctrination Is Not Cancel Culture
- Biden Celebrates International Women’s Day by Forcing Girls to Share Bathrooms, Sports Teams, With Boys
- Conservatives need to start taking no prisoners and claiming scalps
- Middle School: Ground Zero for Indoctrinating America’s Children
- If Men Are Women, Then Truth, Science & Sanity are Gone
- ‘What Planet Are You From?’–Rand Paul Denounces Biden Transgender Sports Policy
- Heroes, Villains, and Victims of the 2020 Horror Show
- ‘Lethal’ critical race theory judges skin color rather than character
- Trump Taps Conservative Giants to Lead 1776 Commission
- Critical Theory, Intersectionality spreading like ‘gangrene’ at SEBTS
- A Direct Threat to Christian Education—The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools
- Reformed Theological Seminary partners with convicted Clinton donor to launch Center for Reformed Theology
- After The Great Barrington Declaration, No One Can Honestly Say ‘Science’ Demands Lockdowns
- Southern Baptist Seminary Implements Program to Pay Reparations to Black Students
- The Next Frontier In The Sexual Revolution
- Pushing Back the Indoctrination
- How Your Child is Being Groomed to be the Next Antifa/BLM Street Rioter
- Civil Rights Leader Aims to Stop the Riots at the Source — With Stories of Black American Success
- California Leads Nation in Systemic Sexualization of Children
- UK govt funds development of kids game normalizing LGBT sexual practices
- ‘Seeing is Believing’ Or ‘You Can’t Trust Your Lyin’ Eyes’
- Teachers Openly Fret That Parents Might Hear Them Brainwashing Children, Call Parents ‘Dangerous’
- Public Schools Now Teaching Abortion and Contraception Are ‘Justice’ Issues
- The ‘Socialization’ Scam
- Rebels in Training at School Sex Clubs
- Why This Revolution Isn’t Like the ’60s
- Locking America Down Again Is Exactly What China Wants Because It Will Ruin Us
- America’s Survival Hangs in the Balance
- SBC Pastor Says Founders of Southern Baptist Seminary Were Not Saved, History Must be Eradicated
- This Is A Great Opportunity To Destroy Academia
- Destroy the ‘Public’ Education System
- Antifa in Tears: The Fragility of the Woke
- Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities
- The radical left’s dark dream is coming true: Can we stop it?
- Universities Sowing the Seeds of Their Own Obsolescence
- The Rotten Fruit of Anti-American ‘Education’
- Bolsheviks get up every morning asking the big question, is this the day I destroy capitalism?
- How Universities Inject Toxic Anti-Americanism Into Students
- The Lockdown, Evangelicals and the Afterlife: A Response to Steven Pinker
- Here Come School ‘Sex Ed Squads’ and Elementary Planned Parenthood Lessons
- Major Blow to Liberalism, 41 Percent of Parents More Likely to Homeschool After Pandemic
- A determined attack to use state education to bring down historic Western culture and the Christian faith
- Harvard Law Professor Wants To Ban Homeschooling Because Christians Do It
- Young and dumb
- Former ERLC Scholar says Neo-Marxist ideas have foothold in 2 Baptist seminaries
- Prominent Baptist University Hosts Openly Gay LGBTQ Activist
- Socialism or Free Market Capitalism? Contexts for Oneism or Twoism
- More States and Parents Jump on Ban Bandwagon to Ban This Grotesque Treatment
- Our Most Important Question: What to Do with our Kids?
- How do Christians respond when they feel the’ve been wronged? Judging by SEBTS and its employees, rage on Twitter!
- Baptist University Invites Native American Mystic to Preach, Opens and Closes With Prayer to ‘Mother Mystery’
- Brooklyn Elementary School Now Sending First Graders to Drag Queen Story Hour
- Title IX Trouble For Fuller Seminary
- Al Mohler Defends Firing of Professor With Biblical Views On Same-sex Attraction
- Returning the Future to Individuals: What the UK Election Has to Say About the 21st Century
- Here’s Why SWBTS/ERLC Teamed Up to Fire Professor over Conservative LGBTQ Views
- SEBTS Danny Akin Attempts Damage Control After Hiring of Infamous Liberal to Faculty
- Leftist Activism Is A Requirement Of New Elementary School Curriculum
- Top 5 Excuses When Radicals Corrupt Children
- Lessons Not Learned From WW2
- ‘Progressive Christian’ Children’s Book to Offer a Different Picture of Creation
- 6 Crazy School District Responses To Parents Mad About LGBT Indoctrination Of Preschoolers
- ‘Your Past Is Terrible, And Your Future Is Terrible’: What the Left Tells Young Americans
- William Barr’s right about left’s designs on religious freedom
- Using Children as Political Props
- Surprise ‘coming out ’ middle school assembly angers parents
- If You Want Your Kids to Own Their Faith, Teach Them to Think Critically about Their Faith
- The cult of Greta Thunberg
- Climate Strike Kids Would All Fail This Elementary, Global Warming Test…
- ‘Banned Books Week’ Protects Low Quality Trash
- #TrustedForTruth? — An Open Plea To Dr. Al Mohler
- Why are so many young people calling themselves socialists?
- How to Clean Up Your School and Stop the Revolution
- Teacher Issues ‘Gender Unicorn’ Handout to Students on First Day of School to Explain Why He Goes By ‘Mx’
- Parental Nightmares in Public Schools
- ‘Woke’ Homeschool Curriculum Designed to Indoctrinate Your Kids
- Famed Yale computer science professor quits believing Darwin’s theories
- Drag Queen Agenda, Part of the LGBTQ+ Roll-Out
- What do Josh Harris and Beth Moore have in common?
- We’ll Tell You What to Say
- Is NEA Calling for Revolution?
- The Truth
- How To Confront And Cross Examine Incompetent Marxist Educators
- Did Your Child Return From College A Better Person?
- Is Yoga Religious? Yes!
- Libraries Becoming Private Child Corruption Centers?
- Christian parents must be willing to fight for the heart and soul of their children
- Colorado High School Shooting Suspect Railed Against Christians and Trump, Shared Leftist Content
- A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Join Her Sport
- TD Jakes launches divinity school, draws criticism from some in academia
- Many University Campuses Are Playgrounds For Insanity
- Christian kids must slay wolves in sheep’s clothing, not pet them!
- Don’t be Shocked When Many ‘Christians’ Cheer the Criminalization of Christianity
- The Left Must Keep Its Bizarre Religious Doctrines Out Of The Classroom
- ‘Day of Silence’ is a Day of Dumbed-Down Sin
- Drag queen storytime reader once charged with child sex assault
- Why Are Young Christians Leaving the Church? It’s Simple Math
- Will More Teachers Smash Boundaries Under Compulsory ‘LGBTQ’ Lessons?
- Teach Your Kids How To Turn The Table on Socialist Democrats
- Planned Parenthood Launches Roo, a Sexual Health Chatbox for Teens
- Does No Name-Calling Week Include Christians?
- The Racist Speech a Christian College Doesn’t Want the Public to Hear
- Beware Silicon Valley Santas in the Schools
- Are Creationists Trying to Stop ‘Sound Science Education’?
- Anti-Gay?—Get Out of the Way!
- Boys can have periods too, children to be taught in latest victory for transgender campaigners
- Netflix Tells Kids To Learn About Sex By Watching The ‘American Pie’ Films
- Why Are So Many Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans?
- The Present American Revolution
- Students Warned, ‘Don’t Pray in Public’
- Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump; Americans Welcome Halloween
- Is Cultural Marxism America’s New Mainline Ideology?
- Christian University Changes Back Position on Same-Sex Relationships Between Students
- Liberation-Not For Everybody
- ‘LGBTQ’ Activists at ‘Devoted’ Youth Pastor Conference
- Kids Tutored in ‘Pleasure’ Despite STD Epidemic
- Memo to K-12 students: Resist
- My daughter prayed to Alexa – Here’s the incredible thing that happened next
- Latest Kids’ Books Drenched with ‘Social Justice’ Porn
- Masters University Placed On Probation by Accrediting Agency
- Educational Limbo: How Low Can You Go?
- Colleges: A Force for Evil
- WARNING: Colleges May Reject You Based On Whom You Follow On Social Media
- Another Jesuit University Will Promote Fixes for ‘Marginalization’ and ‘Privilege’
- Imagine There’s No [Christian] Religion
- Teen Vogue Promotes Marxism in Recent Article
- How Planned Parenthood defeats parents to get ‘comprehensive sex ed’ into schools. … And what parents can do to counter it!
- Deconstructing Young Minds
- How Socialist School Teachers Brainwashed the Snowflake Generation
- ‘Show pornography in sex ed lessons’, C4 presenter
- The Four Terrible Things That Are Destroying Boys In Our Culture
- Parents outraged by schoolwork saying Jews, Christians and Muslims worship same God
- Moody blues
- Moody Bible Institute President, COO Resign Amid Board’s ‘Unanimous Decision’ for ‘New Season of Leadership’
- Open Occultism and Millennial Magik
- College Drinking Culture Must Change — Our Kids’ Lives Are at Stake
- Our Pagan Children
- Teachers Attend ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAP’ Sensitivity Training
- What You Need to Tell Your Local Public School Officials About Children and Mindfulness Meditation
- More students, young Americans turn to paganism
- First Grader Sent to Office, Investigated, for ‘Pronoun Mishap’
- From a Course on Miley Cyrus to ‘Identity-Based Housing,’ Examples of Lunacy on College Campuses
- Poverty, Dropouts, Pregnancy, Suicide: What The Numbers Say About Fatherless Kids
- Teaching the Truth in our Hymns
- School orders boy to ‘tolerate’ undressing with girl and make it ‘natural’
- Another temper tantrum on campus
- School Teaches Zi & Zir Without Permission from Mom & Dad
- The Child-Friendly Voo-Doo ‘Christianity’ of Bethel Church
- Higher Education: ‘A Four-Year Attack on America and God’
- Top Divinity Schools: Use Gender-Neutral Language to Refer to God
- Joyce Meyer Undead, David Barton Buys A Ph.D & Conan O’Brien Is Ordained
- The Dumbing Down of College Curriculums
- Oregon State to force “social justice” training on freshmen
- How to Handle Transgender Issues: Meet the Gender Unicorn
- Satanic Temple responds to Christian groups at elementary schools with plan for its own after-school clubs
- School Teaches White Children They Are Born Racists
- A Dustup at UNC Over Christmas Vacation and Other Microaggressions
- Orlando Massacre Shows We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
- The Re-Education Camps We Call Universities
- The GOP Sellout Continues
- Deepak Chopra Helps M.B.A.s Get in Touch With Their Spiritual Side
- What was wrong with Trump’s appearance at Liberty
- The Radical Left Will Never Let Christian Colleges Be Christian
- Wheaton Moves to Fire Hijab-Wearing Professor Who Declared “We All Worship Same God”
- From NYC to Harvard: The War On Asian Success
- University president rebukes “self-absorbed, narcissistic” students
- Congress Urged to Pass Law Protecting Religious Schools from Punishment Over Marriage Beliefs