Lesbian Pastor to Lead National Abortion Federation

At a Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund event, Ragsdale claimed – according to Lifesite News – that “the Bible says nothing about abortion and that it’s dishonest and manipulative to call the human in the womb a baby.”

(Pulpit & Pen)  As if being a female pastor wasn’t sinful enough, this woman is a lesbian pastor. And if that weren’t bad enough (and it’s plenty bad), she’s also just been appointed to head-up the National Abortion Federation (NAF), an organization that fights for the ‘right’ of mothers to ruthlessly assault and destroy their unborn children.

Earning a ‘millstone award,’ Katherine Ragsdale said at her coronation ceremony as CEO of the NAF , “Abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day saints.”

One wonders why a woman who doesn’t have to worry about getting pregnant is so concerned about other women having the opportunity to terminate their pregnancies. The Episcopal priest has chosen a sexual lifestyle bereft of fruitfulness and has dedicated her life to keep humanity from multiplying.  View article →


Progressive Christianity

Abortion Issues