Beth Moore on Tweeting Spree Challenge to ‘Encourage’ Anti-White Race Baiters

Kyle J. Howard & Beth Moore

“As the CEO of the popular black ministry, The Witness, Tisby employs such people as Ally Henny, a pro-abortion activist who was angry that there were white people in the movie theater watching a movie about Harriet Tubman, who Moore also praised.”

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Beth Moore somehow continues to find herself in bad company. And, as the Apostle Paul warned, we should not deceive ourselves, bad company ruins good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Beth Moore is responding to a challenge by Bernice King, daughter of…Christ-denying heretic, Martin Luther King Jr., to “encourage black friends” today.

And, as no surprise, she has found herself praising some of the worst anti-white racists in the country.  View article →


Kyle J. Howard Angry that Black Family Forgave White Woman


Beth Moore