Sometimes it helps to see things in black and white. It is shocking to realize how low TGC has sunk. Yet, far from this being an extreme event with no impact on other Bible-believing churches, it must be noted again that Rebecca McLaughlin is a spokesperson for a “Same Sex Attracted” movement with many tentacles. Being a TGC and ERLC spokesperson, she speaks for Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Russell Moore (who promotes her frequently), her fellow Same Sex Atteacted authorities at The Gospel Coalition, and any church that encourages the sheep to wander into these poisoned pastures.
(Diane Gaskins – Pulpit & Pen) Last week Redeemer Church in Manhattan sponsored a training event for all their New York City churches which featured Tim Keller and Rebecca McLaughlin. Tim Keller is the founding pastor of the highly influential Redeemer enterprise and co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (TGC), a political organization which aims to move Evangelicals away from their Biblical and conservative moorings.
Watch the video on the site
As the emcee for the event stated at the meeting’s beginning, one of Redeemer’s core values is to “welcome those we excluded, including those who don’t share our beliefs.” To live up to this Unitarian goal, Redeemer slated their guest speaker well. The thesis of Rebecca McLaughlin’s recently published book Confronting Christianity is that, historically, true Christianity has in fact always bowed down to the very idols that happen to be most popular among Leftists in America in 2019.
Rebecca McLaughlin’s favorite idols include feminism, identity politics, repenting of racial ‘privilege’, and LGBTQ+ rights. McLaughlin is an authority on this last topic, as she claims to have been sexually attracted to women since her earliest days. She gives no mention of repentance, sin, or even change. In fact, McLaughlin regularly boasts before large audiences of the desires that God calls vile affections (Rom. 1:26), while rigorously avoiding God’s words. You will not hear her speak of evil desire, sinful passion, impure lust, dishonorable passion, or a debased mind (Col. 3:5, Rom. 7:5, Rom. 1:24–26, Rom. 1:28). McLaughlin prefers the terms “Same Sex Attraction” and “messy”.