Criticism of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Role of Discernment Blogs

Truth is, it may be that SBC leaders are exceedingly fearful that they are losing the ear of the internet consumer, especially the ear of evangelical Christians. Such a fear could very well explain why SBC leaders have become so vigorously vocal and, in some cases, unreasonably hysterical toward the so-called “discernment blogs.” Less than a decade ago,  established blogs by SBC leaders like Al Mohler set the SBC agenda and ruled the information network in SBC circles. But suppose now blogs like Pulpit & Pen, Capstone Report, and some others who are, by and large, critical of the SBC and its stated agenda, rule the internet traffic, perhaps even obtaining the lion’s share of SBC internet consumers.  

(Peter Lumpkins) Last week, The Capstone Report, a popular website that focuses on issues it perceives as troubling in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), released a story concerning the president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Jason Allen, claiming he was personally lobbying the Missouri governor to settle more refugees in the state….

The story turned out to be false. Don Hinkle, longtime editor of The Pathway, Missouri Baptists’ state denominational paper, wrote a brief but scathing rebuttal, accusing the author of “fake news”: “I know fake news when I see it. This story is a prime example of fake news and irresponsible ‘reporting.’ This is why I warn my fellow Christians to be careful with what they read on the Web.”

Jason Allen was even more pointed: “One of the most disappointing aspects of ministry is that, inexplicably, some people will simply choose to lie about you. I’m not referring to innocent misunderstandings or misstatements, I mean the intentional decision to spread falsehood, to impugn you, to do you harm.” Allen later posted a full-length piece addressing the issue.

Entitled, “Denominational Discourse and the Future of the SBC“, Allen describes the Capstone Report article: View article →

