Our Most Important Question: What to Do with our Kids?

[T]his week Sheffield University announced a scheme in which students will be paid £9.34 an hour to challenge other students who commit so-called ‘micro-aggressions’. Under this insidious doctrine, the most innocuous comment can be considered offensive: examples drawn up by Sheffield include asking someone why they are frying a banana (not realizing it is a plantain). This is evidence of a deeply rooted institutional intolerance.

(Peter Jones – truthxchange)  For many, “getting into college” was the great personal achievement that marked the beginning of a successful adult life. I remember the pride of being the “first of my family” to achieve this honor, and I studied like I had never studied before—to avoid the real possibility of being thrown out for insufficient grades…. After my first year, I even gave up my passion for soccer—having made the varsity eleven as a freshman— just to give more time to my all-important studies. I vividly remember how miserable I felt each week as the clock reminded me that my mates were soaking wet in the midst of a roaring match. But graduation was my highest goal, for a college degree was worth its weight in gold. Unfortunately, in a different time, an ocean away, that golden weight now hangs around the neck of our emerging adults in exchange for an often useless degree.

The college experience has, in the main, been seized by Left-wing ideologues ensconced in institutions that charge higher and higher prices that everyone is willing to pay to see their offspring, whether intellectually inclined or not, acquire the much-coveted sheepskin. That price has purchased a cohort of sexually-liberated, convinced socialists. Vast numbers of parents pay radical professors millions of dollars to undermine their children’s faith convictions and conservative political views.

As they consider choices for their children’s education, Christian parents face enormous challenges, which must be resolved in light of what our Western world has become since the Sixties Cultural Revolution. We cannot fall back on traditional habits. The culture is more sharply divided than ever over ultimate questions of human existence: the nature of human sexuality as binary or non-binary; marriage as exclusive to heterosexuality or open to any desired combination; the status of unborn children as human beings to be preserved at all cost or fetuses to be terminated on a whim; the role of government to consolidate power or defend free enterprise; the origin of life as the result of impersonal chance or of the work of a personal Creator. We must take sides in a conflict of ultimate meaning: some form of pagan Oneism or true, God-affirming Twoism. View article →
