Hard Lesson Learned: Stay Away From Xanax

“Learn this lesson: You don’t have to abuse a substance to become addicted to it. Remember that the next time you take an addictive substance. You don’t have to be using some substances “to excess” to develop a dependency.”

(JD Hall – Pulpit & Pen)  For more than half a decade I’ve struggled with my sleep. Being a pastor, 24-7 news-hound, and regularly working a 12 to 18 hour day means that I usually work until it’s bedtime (with a few breaks here and there for family). I teach 4-5 Bible studies during evenings in the week, often more than an hour from home in outlying communities….

This lifestyle of work is my preference, desiring to be “poured out like a drink offering” to God, with the hopeful prayer that when I expire from this life I do so on nothing but fumes.

I observe an entire day for the Sabbath, taking time for rest and total cessation from anything besides corporate worship. I try not to even turn on my brain on Sunday, if possible, and wouldn’t dream of looking at the news. Recreation in my life consists of an occasional retreat to my cabin or a few weeks set aside for hunting various creatures in the right season. View article →