AG Barr orders local governments to stop applying gathering restrictions to churches unfairly

“The attorney general also revealed that the Department of Justice has intervened in a situation in Mississippi in which church members were fined $500 each for gathering in their cars in the church parking lot to listen to their pastor preach over the radio.”

(Adam Ford – Disrn)  Attorney General William Barr released an official statement Tuesday afternoon directing local governments across the U.S. to cease applying social-gathering restrictions to church unfairly.

Barr said:

“The First Amendment and federal statutory law prohibit discrimination against religious institutions and religious believers,” Barr said. “Thus, government may not impose special restrictions on religious activity that do not also apply to similar nonreligious activity. For example, if a government allows movie theaters, restaurants, concert halls, and other comparable places of assembly to remain open and unrestricted, it may not order houses of worship to close, limit their congregation size, or otherwise impede religious gatherings. Religious institutions must not be singled out for special burdens.”  View article →

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