Saving the planet as people perish

Also taking advantage of the situation, the Committees for Democracy and Socialism understands that “systemic disaster or shock can open possibilities for social change not available in the US during normal times” and that “the Covid-19 pandemic is such a crisis.” The Marxist group thinks the left can exploit the crisis in order to promote pet projects such as socialized medicine, also known as single payer health care, or a Green New Deal program of heavy-handed socialist control of the economy and massive new taxes.

(Cliff Kincaid – Renew America)  “With Crisis Comes Opportunity” is how the organization Voices for the Earth Summit sees the death and destruction from the coronavirus….

“This global pandemic is one of the greatest tragedies of our time, but it is also revealing opportunities that have not been so clearly seen before,” it says. “We are awakening to the fact that our current systems are not working, they are failing both humanity and the planet.”

This time they mean it – the New World Order can finally be implemented. Or so they think. They can use two global crises at one – the virus and so-called climate change. “Earth Day,” on Wednesday April 22, is a great opportunity for them. Expect the same kind of propaganda that was broadcast on Saturday night, in support of the U.N.’s World Health Organization.

On cue, Time magazine has published former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev’s column, “When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together,” urging an emergency special session of the U.N. General Assembly, with “revising the entire global agenda” as the main topic, leading “toward a new consciousness, a new civilization.” View article →

Book Recommendation

It seems presumptuous to speak of understanding God and his ways. And yet, he has graciously revealed himself to us! It’s not an exhaustive revelation, but it is a true and sufficient revelation. God’s self-disclosure is sufficient to humble us and make us aware of our need for his grace. It’s enough to bring us to our knees, to drive us to repentance, and compel us to worship. Order here


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