No, Science Alone Can’t Tell Us How to Respond to the Coronavirus

“The invocation of science as the ultimate authority capable of settling questions of how we should govern ourselves is a persistent feature of modern Western life going back several centuries, and has always been a mistake. It is especially so in this crisis, when so much is still unknown about the coronavirus and immensely complicated and consequential public-policy questions are in play.”

(Rich Lowry – National Review)  If you thought the coronavirus presented difficult policy questions, don’t worry — we have science.

Governor Gavin Newsom tweeted the other day, “The West Coast is — and will continue to be — guided by SCIENCE.”

Joe Biden has urged President Trump, “Follow the science, listen to the experts, do what they tell you.”

Neil DeGrasse Tyson calls the crisis “a giant experiment in whether the world will listen to scientists, now and going forward.”

The invocation of science as the ultimate authority capable of settling questions of how we should govern ourselves is a persistent feature of modern Western life going back several centuries and has always been a mistake. It is especially so in this crisis, when so much is still unknown about the coronavirus and immensely complicated and consequential public-policy questions are in play.  View article →


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Book Recommendation

It seems presumptuous to speak of understanding God and his ways. And yet, he has graciously revealed himself to us! It’s not an exhaustive revelation, but it is a true and sufficient revelation. God’s self-disclosure is sufficient to humble us and make us aware of our need for his grace. It’s enough to bring us to our knees, to drive us to repentance, and compel us to worship. Order here