Will There Be Consequences for How the FBI Handled the Flynn Case? Barr Weighs In

“As far as consequences for the agents and officials who engaged in corrupt and dishonest behavior in the Flynn case, Barr said he’s waiting for the results of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation. He also said misconduct by government officials must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” 

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) Attorney General Bill Barr is speaking out after the Department of Justice announced Thursday the criminal case against General Michael Flynn, which involved FBI agents engaging in entrapment, has been dropped.

“This was not a bonafide counterintelligence investigation. They were closing the investigation in December, they started that process and on January 4 they were closing it,” Barr said during an interview with CBS News. “They initially tried some theories of  how they could open an investigation which didn’t fly and then they found out they had technically not closed the earlier investigation and they kept it open for the express purpose of trying to catch, lay a perjury trap for General Flynn. They didn’t warn him the way we would usually be required by the Department. They bi-passed the Justice Department. They bi-passed the protocols at the White House and so-forth.” View article →


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