Build Your House on the Rock

46 “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46 (NASB) 

There is much controversy in the Church these days over some teaching from those who have made it a point to move their doctrine away from the Orthodox into a what used to be called liberalism. However, instead of rejecting everything spiritual as the liberals do, these new teachers claim that they are moving back to the origins of the Church with methods and doctrine that are more indicative of the early church rather than what is called Orthodox now….

The followers of these teachers have, for the most part, rejected “church” with any hint orthodoxy in it.

There is a part of me that understands that very well. God has shown me much over the last several years about how foolish it is to treat a local church as our entire focus of our relationship with Him. Instead, we are supposed to seek Him, obey Him, and serve Him in and out of church. We are to be real Christians 24/7. Our lives are not to be compartmentalized with our Christian activities totally isolated from all other parts of our lives. When we err that way we are living, breathing hypocrites. That is what many of the followers of this movement have rejected. In that I say, “Count me in too!”  View article →