(Peter Barry Chowka – American Thinker) On Monday, the day after the violent leftist attack on Michelle Malkin and her fellow conservatives at a pro-police rally in Denver, more information about the assailants came to light. For a refresher, my blog yesterday at American Thinker was the first draft of the history of this disturbing event. On Monday, an article by Lance Hernandez at KMGH-TV channel7 Denver identified the anti-police “counter protesters” who succeeded in violently shutting down the 6th annual pro-police rally, where Malkin was to be a featured speaker, as representing “the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and other Black Lives Matter supporters, including the Afro-Liberation Front.” In other words, revolutionary Marxist communists.
Despite the involvement in the story of Malkin, an extremely well-known and popular conservative icon, there was little coverage of what happened to her on Sunday in Denver with the exception of my blog yesterday at American Thinker and an article at the Gateway Pundit. Several articles and TV reports, mostly in local Denver media, covered the dissolution of the rally itself without reporting accurately on the left-wing assailants. Any mention of Malkin being assaulted was absent or at most in passing.
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