A battle against lies

“As we see possible parallels between the fates of Nixon and Trump, Postgate author John O’Conner and others are being featured in the film “Plot Against the President” about how the intelligence community targeted Trump in much the same way they brought down Nixon.”

(Cliff Kincaid – Renew America)  The Christian existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote about the corruption in the Danish State Church, declaring that everyone knew privately that the system was rotten and corrupt but they would not say so publicly. “Just as one says that death has marked a man, so we recognize the symptoms which demand to be attacked. It is a battle against lies,” he said.

The problem we face today is corruption in government, the media, and the church that runs so deep that it is uncomfortable for some to even talk about it publicly.

In his landmark 1975 book The Corrupt Society, Robert Payne wrote, “There are many weapons that can be used to prevent the corruption of societies. The most powerful of these weapons are vigilance and knowledge. Hence the importance of the press, radio, and television to break through all imposed restrictions to discover how the government works, how it arrives at its decisions, how it manages its defenses, how it deals with traitors, especially the traitors in its midst.”  View article →


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