Todd Bentley is a liar and a con-man. He is no more a Christian than Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic. He does not hear from angels — probably demons, though. Does he have a direct pipeline to God as he claims he does? Hardly. The NAR, of which he is a kingpin, is a dangerous movement teaming with false prophets who, like Bentley, also claim God speaks to them. If these men and women hear a voice in their mind, the voice they’re hearing is that of a deceiving spirit. The Lord is not appearing to these lying prophets nor do their so-called visions and dreams come from Him. The modern day apostles and prophets of the NAR are wolves in sheep’s clothing — flee from them!
Now that I’ve let off steam, here’s Protestia’s piece:
Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever bothered to condemn (and that only slightly), is up to no good, revealing that he’s had a string of angelic encounters and personal visions from Jesus who told him that the time of waiting is done, and that he’s about to embark on a new 25-year ministry mandate.
We have written extensively about Todd, chronicling his malfeasance from lauded anointed revivalist and miracle worker, to drunkard, adulterer, liar, and sheep-fleecer extraordinaire, all the while being lifted up by a cadre of ne’er-do-well’s as a great, supernaturally gifted man of God.
Bentley, you will recall, went relatively radio silent last year after being newly accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched and they found that Bentley was guilty – a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.
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