The New Secession Movement

“The Supreme Court has declined to intervene in such cases, instead urging Congress to define legislatively what constitutes a “presence.” Thanks to its partisan divisions, Congress hasn’t even come close to addressing this crucial issue. This inaction has effectively handed states a potent weapon at a time when officials see differences of opinion on issues like immigration or civil rights as grounds for intra-state war.”

(Steven Malanga – City Journal)  A new poll from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics finds that large portions of the American public now favor blue and red states going their own ways to form separate countries….

The survey results, writes political scientist Larry Sabato, highlight the “deep, wide and dangerous divides” between Trump and Biden voters, presaging a new secession movement. But the schism was already evident in the increasing number of state and local officials enacting laws and policies that ban travel and restrict commerce with other American places with governments they object to—a trend that the Covid-19 emergency has only deepened. In everything from tax policy to travel to contracting rules, a secession movement within the states has been building for years. View article →


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