(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) Gas prices have been going up since Joe Biden began cutting off energy sources in the name of global warming Leftism on his first day of office. Now, a year later, Bidenflation has taken hold, Russia has attacked Ukraine, and the price of a barrel of oil on Wednesday stood at a gasp-inducing $112/barrel. We’re looking at gas prices close to $7.00/gallon.
Just four months ago, Don Lemon the rest of his CNN buddies waxed rhapsodic over Joe Biden for an eight-cent drop in gas prices. Now, as prices skyrocket, Joe Biden’s getting the blame, too.
A Fox News poll released a few days ago shows that 73% of Americans say high gas prices “have caused hardship” and 63% blamed Joe Biden. The poll was taken before Russian invaded Ukraine. Now things are worse.
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