Greg Abbott Sends Two Busloads of Immigrants to Kamala Harris’s Home

More than likely, the move will be written off by the media, social, and political elites as a stunt. But DeSantis and Abbott are not staging stunts. They are staging demonstrations. Not demonstrations as in “Let’s burn down this convenience store in the name of social justice,” but demonstrations as in “Do you see what other people in the nation are dealing with because of your policies and positions?”

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just made Kamala Harris’s job easier. As you may know, Joe Biden made Harris his immigration czar. And Harris has done very little beyond touching down for a brief whistle stop in El Paso and assuring the nation that the southern border is secure.

In the wake of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ move to send illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard,  Abbott decided that if Kamala would not come to the illegal immigrants, the illegal immigrants could come to Kamala.

Fox News reports that Abbott sent two busses of illegal immigrants to none other than the Naval Observatory, the traditional home of the Vice President of the United States. In addition to providing digs for the veep, the Navy actually does important work there. Maybe Kamala can give them a tour and Elizabeth Warren can bring over some Pow Wow Chow. I have heard that the residence even has a pool. View article →



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