Drag queen “Annie Christ”
Tucker describes a scene in Canada “where a no-name pastor was violently thrown out of a public library where men dressed as hyper-sexualized caricatures of women danced around with little children…”
(The Dissenter) I may not agree with everything Tucker says and all of his viewpoints but praise God for putting at least one man in the national media with the guts to say exactly what we small-time Evangelical voices have been saying for years. That is that those people platformed to represent Evangelical Christianity are essentially frauds, most of them there for the sole purpose of turning the Church into a liberal hellhole.
David French, who describes Drag Queen Story Hour as a “blessing of liberty” but who at the same time lambasts conservatives who speak out against liberalism, both in the Church and in society, was put on notice by Tucker Carlson last night along with Beth Moore and Tim Keller.
CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains those to mark and avoid (Rom 16:17-18) such as Beth Moore & Tim Keller.
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