Trump Embraces the Demos’ 2024 Indictment Strategy

“[Dems] are working overtime on this strategy, with the objective of helping Trump eclipse other candidates they might have more trouble defeating, enabling him to suck all the air out of the room. They believe that if Trump is the nominee, they can, again, depend on an enormous “hate and fear” voter turnout, which, combined with their bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy, will succeed, as it did in 2020. And in 2024, Trump will be older than Ronald Reagan was when he left office.”

(Mark Alexander – The Patriot Post) You could make this stuff up, but nobody would believe you!

On the same day Donald Trump “surrendered” in New York to face indictment charges filed by Manhattan’s corrupt George Soros-backed district attorney, Alvin Bragg — charges for allegedly paying “hush money” to an “adult film” star, Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. “Stormy Daniels” — the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Clifford must pay Trump $122,000 in legal fees for a failed defamation case she brought against him.

Seriously, that happened. No comment from her attorney, Demo darling Michael Avenatti — oh, wait; he’s in federal prison for extortion, fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion. View article →



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