Michael Cohen Just Blew Up Bragg’s Case Against Trump

“There is nothing illegal here. What Cohen was describing is not a crime. The prosecutors are making great fanfare over proving non-criminal acts and non-contested allegations. Yeah, there was an NDA. Yeah, money was paid. That happens all the time, and so we’re still left with this bizarre situation of a trial over something that none of us have yet been told what the crime is.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump has been in trouble as witness after witness for the prosecution seems to undermine it. Michael Cohen’s testimony proved to be no different.

Bragg’s team really needed a win here after weeks of testimony for the prosecution that proved devastating for its case. Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, argued during his testimony that the $130,000 transaction with Daniels should not be considered “hush money” but rather a valid “consideration” payment.   View article →


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