HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions

“Reports of new human bird flu cases and plans for increased vaccine production sparked a surge in the value of vaccine-focused biotech companies’ stock on Wednesday, including Moderna, BioNTech, CureVac and Novavax, according to The Financial Times.”

(Ben Bartee 0 PJ Media) It appears Pandemic 2.0 is truly in the works as all of the pieces fall into place: the media terror campaign, the gain-of-function work in U.S. labs, the alleged jump from animals to humans, and now the announcement of new vaxes to be produced by the feds.

Via The Defender (emphasis added):

Federal health officials are ramping up efforts to combat what they claim is the growing threat of H5N1 bird flu with plans to produce 4.8 million vaccine doses and increase influenza surveillance nationwide.

The move comes as two new human bird flu infection cases were identified — in Michigan and Australia — heightening concerns about the virus’s potential to spread among humans. View article →


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