Why we need the story of David and Goliath

“Why are we so afraid? Like the men of Israel, why are we fleeing from the fight? The Lord does not promise that we will win every battle, but he does promise that we will win the war. The end has already been determined: a small shepherd boy understood this, and so should we.”

(Luke Pierson – The Sentinel)  We all know the story of David and Goliath. Even unbelievers know the story. How many times have you heard of a matchup in professional sports labeled as a “David versus Goliath” contest?

Every little boy loves this story because it is one of courage, fighting, swords, blood, and death. Every time I read my three-year-old son’s story Bible to him, he asks me to read “the giant one,” and sometimes to read it more than once!

Even though we all know how this conflict went down, I think most of us have overlooked what God actually said about this event: View article →



When Christians Tolerate Anything and Everybody, You Cannot Guard the Flock Against Wolves by Marsha West


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