CRN articles about Bible
- Bible sales soar as Americans search for meaning
- Only 2% of Parents with Preteen Children Have a ‘Biblical Worldview
- Poll: Support for Traditional American Values, Patriotism Declines
- ‘The Chosen’ Sets Former DreamWorks Exec Mark Sourian As President Of Production, Will Serve As Foundation For Bible-Based Entertainment Universe
- Ruthless LGBT Attacks Against Christians
- Phil Johnson Permanently Suspended From Twitter
- Street Preacher Arrested at Gay Pride Parade For Preaching, Bible Ripped and Thrown in Porta-Potty
- YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Homosexuality Sermon as ‘Hate Speech’ and Removes It
- John MacArthur Urges Pastors To Join Him By Taking A Stand On Biblical Sexual Morality On January 16
- Ron DeSantis Says He Will Put on ‘Full Armor of God’ to Fight Leftism
- Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality
- Max Lucado Compares Holy Spirit to Woman, Calls Him ‘Mother-Heart of God’
- Disagreeing With Biden’s Transgender Policy Is ‘Incitement’ Now?! Facebook Says So…
- Democrat Ends Prayer With ‘Amen. … and A-Woman.’
- Pew Research Poll: Faithful Christians Still Don’t Believe in Evolution
- Christian Research Group: US ‘Moving Toward Elimination of Biblical Worldview as Cornerstone of Society’
- ‘Spiritual Wickedness’: Podcaster Warns Christians About BLM’s Practice of Conjuring Up Spirits of the Dead
- Bible left unread during the coronavirus pandemic
- Evangelical Pastor in Rome Says Christians Must ‘Gently Challenge’ Roman Catholicism With the Word of God
- Zoom app made in China?
- Mayor Pete Wants to Crackdown on Religious Groups That Refuse to Hire LGBTQ Staff
- Gay, pro-abortion Pete Buttigieg suggests Christians can’t support Trump
- Charismatics Are Date Setting Doomsday Again, Claiming Asteroid Will Hit in 2029
- ‘It’s Unbiblical and UnChristian’: Zambian President Resists Trump Admin’s Push to Legalize Sodomy Under Threat of Losing Aid
- It’s been called the world’s largest ouija board and it’s about to descend on Salem
- Senate Demands Pastors Reject Biblical Counseling For LGBT Californians
- ‘The Best a Man Can Get’: Gillette Video Shows Father Coaching Daughter Who Identifies as Man During ‘First Shave’
- Homosexual State Rep. Who Recorded Self Harassing ‘Old White Lady’ to Defend ‘Right’ to Murder Unborn Called to Resign
- ‘Jesus Never Told Caesar How to Run Rome’: Jerry Falwell Jr. Says Bible Not Meant for Public Policy
- Archaeologists: We’ve located biblical city of Sodom
- Feminists Release Commentaries on Bible Passages to ‘Emancipate’ Women From ‘Lingering Patriarchal Readings’
- New Bible Published to Help Catholics Catch Up With Protestants In Scripture Knowledge
- Trump Quotes Bible Prophet As Proof Life Begins in the Womb
- A Wrinkle In Time: A Disney Film Devoted To Pagan Self-Worship
- Church Cracking Down, Aiming to Use ‘More Inclusive’ Language When Referring to God
- Kirk Cameron Says God Sends Hurricanes, Internet Collectively Loses Mind
- Atheist Group Calls Bible a ‘Violent, Racist Book’ in Scolding Gov. for Lamenting Bible’s Removal From Schools
- The Case Against Evil Stomach Goblins
- The Leavened Lump in Our Daily Bread
- How Older Women Can Help Younger Ones
- Christians Who Opposed Trump Should Examine Their Hearts After His Week Of Big Biblical Wins
- ‘The People Rejoice’
- Wesley Huff Talks Gospel, Jordan Peterson with Joe Rogan
- How To Cause Godly Grief
- We Need More Jeremiahs
- Four Prayers For The Western Church In 2025
- Feminization and the Church
- To Trade Love for Discernment is not Discernment
- Can Offence Be Winsome?
- 9 Reasons to Celebrate Christmas with a Clean Conscience
- Unbiblical Ideas About Angels
- Do You Desire Repentance or Revenge?
- Punching Back at Temptation
- Unequally Yoked in Business?
- Love Thanksgiving? Thank Virginia.
- Losing a Pet and Glorifying God
- Righteous Fury – And Why Not Being Angry Is Sometimes A Sin
- Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy
- The Shift In Child Rearing That Has Destroyed The American Family
- G3 Ministries Insists Steve Lawson Was Member Of Trinity Bible Church. But was he?
- FEMA Director Compared Trump Yard Signs to Vicious Dogs to Justify Skipping Homes. Are Bibles Next?
- Steve Lawson Was Not a Pastor, Elder or Even a Member at Trinity Bible Church
- The Christian Case for the New Right: The Time is Now for Christians to Get in the Game
- Enjoying the Anger of Jesus
- Christians Who Hate Politics Need to Get (a Little) Involved in Politics
- Should Christians Participate in Halloween? 7 Scriptures to Consider (Reprise)
- Something Strange and Wonderful is Happening with Young Men
- Why Satan Wants You to Think You’re Alone
- It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good
- Spiritual Harm Alert: ‘Discovering Christian Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide for Everyday Practice’
- Go Soaking? Just Joking.
- The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
- It’s Not Always Nice to Be Nice
- Why Progressivism Hates Repentance
- Cru Ends Gay Affirming Curriculum Amid Backlash
- Is Australia Under Judgment?
- Am I doing something wrong if I make a huge decision and don’t wait to hear from God?
- Hurricane Helene And The Comfort Of God’s Sovereignty
- Why the Crusaders Are Inspiring Young Christian Men
- Why Christians Need War
- Dis. Grace.: Responding Biblically to Church Scandal
- An Imprecatory Prayer on Behalf of Donald Trump
- If the Church is Divided, Blame the Fake News Media
- Cultural Christianity Is Not Enough
- Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible
- Your Kids Need REAL Answers To Hard Questions
- Enjoying the Anger of Jesus
- Our Nation Needs To Repent. How Do We Actually Do That?
- How Unclean Spirits Destroy Civilizations
- How to Identify a False Teacher
- Hey Christians, if the world doesn’t think you’re weird, you’re doing it wrong
- When to Rebuke Sharply (and Gently)
- The modern evangelical movement has embraced a gospel message of cheap grace
- An Open Letter to Pastors Who ‘Don’t Do Politics’
- Evangelicals For Kamala?
- Four Unintended Consequences of the Megachurch Movement – And How To Solve Them
- Why Church Leaders Act Like Cowards
- 3 Opportunities the Trials of Life Bring
- Gospel Preaching They Can’t Ignore
- Life, Death, and the God We Serve
- Can Christians really vote for Trump?
- Fear and Uncertainty
- Put Away Your Conspiracy Theories: Christ Reigns
- Does the Bible actually teach that we’re not to judge others?
- Can Christianity Survive Democracy?
- Providence and presidents
- Building a Culture of Truth
- The Low-Information Evangelical Part 2 (Reprise)
- How (and How Not) to Wait
- BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth with Evolutionary Mythology
- On Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel: Why We Draw the Line at Justification
- Where to Now? Living In An Anti-Christian West
- How Did the Church Become So Complacent, Celebrating Drag Queens in the Pulpit?
- The Ten Commandments Should Be Taught In Classrooms, Not Just Hung On The Wall
- Why we need the story of David and Goliath
- Deconstructing – But From What?
- Watch out! ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ tv series, is in the works
- United Methodists Lose One Million Members in One Day, After Oversees Contingent Cuts Ties Over Same-Sex Support
- A Culture of Unholy Christians
- I Believe in the Holy Spirit
- The judgment of getting exactly what we want
- The Kingdom of the Lord, the Kingdom of Satan, and Spiritual Warfare
- Multiculturalism is Ideological Diversity, a Schismatic Heresy That Dooms Churches to Failure
- One of the The Fruits of Human Depravity is: Stupidity
- How Is the Trinity Involved in Our Prayers?
- Rick Warren Says: ‘Your #1 Purpose in Life is to Let God Love You’
- God Made Us Male and Female- Why We Cannot Change Our Gender
- Why mixing up social justice and biblical justice matters
- ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Baits Christians by AGAIN Featuring LGBTQ Flag in New Vid
- Reconciling Christian Love and Hatred Toward Enemies of God
- What Does Paul Say about Spiritual Warfare?
- Hope for the Unhappy
- The Decline Of Christianity Means The End Of Neutral Spaces
- Christians are Posting ‘Christ is King,’ David French Complains on MSNBC, ‘Very Dangerous’
- I’d Rather Have Jesus…Than A Chocolate Easter Bunny
- Al Mohler Changes Position On Abortion
- God’s Judgment Upon the Church
- The Bible is Not a Blueprint for Socialized Welfare, and Those Who Believe It Is Don’t Understand the Gospel
- When Does Life Begin and Does It Really Matter?
- The Liberty Christ Hath Purchased
- Unpacking ‘No Creed but the Bible’
- The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church
- Christian employers do not have to pay for transgender surgeries, federal judge rules
- Reject Vice. Just Say No – No porn, no pot, no gambling, no video games, no tattoos, no profanity
- The Left’s Latest Attack on Christianity
- 4 Biblical Reasons I Rejected Evolution
- A Tale of Two Paintings: Reformation vs. Deconstruction
- We Are All Christian Nationalists Now
- Deadly Familiarity
- Christian YouTuber Fixes ‘He Gets Us’ Commercial
- God Told Me: The Pentecostalization of Evangelical Theology of Revelation
- New results from a 15-year long study shows that married people report a higher level of well-being than single people
- The New World Order is Satanic
- Pastoral Advice: Shepherding the conscience is a significant pastoral responsibility.
- The Wrath Of A Righteous God
- Wait In Patience On The Lord: Meeting God In The Stillness
- The Meaning of Non-Binary Sexuality
- Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual ‘Wedding’
- Alistair Begg Doubles Down on LGBTQ Wedding Remarks, Gets the Boot From American Family Radio
- Francis Collins’ and Tim Keller’s BioLogos Says God Did Not Require Jesus to Die to Forgive Sins
- CRT, Genocide, and the Importance of Christian Universities
- Marley and His Message to Scrooge
- Supreme Court Sides With Washington Law Banning Christian Counseling for LGBTQ Issues for Minors
- California’s New Gender-Neutral Toy Section Law Slated to Take Effect January 1
- The post-Christian media is enormously ignorant about Christianity
- Snares of the Modern Church – Political Correctness
- Unreal: SBC Megachurch’s Multi-Million Dollar Man-Pleasing Aesthetics Upgrade
- Did They Go to Heaven? Red Flags On ‘After Death’ Film from Angel Studios
- His Kindness Leads Us to Repentance
- Pope Francis Fires Popular ‘Protestant Priest’ for Criticizing Him All the Time
- Make Disciples
- Catholic Church Updates Dogma to Include Co-habiting Homosexual Couples as ‘Conforming to the Faith’
- God Hates Wicked People
- Self-absorbed ‘Christians’ And Their Perceptions Of The Bible
- 3 Things You Should Know about 1 & 2 Timothy
- Why Do Many Christians Foolishly Argue Against Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms as if They Threaten the Authority of Scripture?
- Gavin Ortland Leaving Church To Become Full-Time Theology YouTuber. May God Help Us All
- NAR False Apostle Denies Trinity on Stage at TPUSA Faith Pastors Summit
- What Happened on Reformation Day?
- 10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
- Righting Wrongs
- The Spirit’s Fruit: Self-Control
- JD Greear Platforms Lesbian, Pro-Abortion Activist District Attorney to Lecture the Church on Morality
- Demon Possession and the Christian Bible
- Scholastic’s Cowering Compromise is Still a Loss for Conservatives and Christians
- The Very Idea of the Dove Awards is Anti-Christian and Unbiblical
- Christianity Today Staff Made Extensive Campaign Donations Between 2015 And 2022…All Went To Democrats
- Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
- Untwisting the Bible, Part III: ‘Let Go and Let God’
- All Christians, Not Just Catholics, Should Be Worried About Pope Francis’ Synod
- Untwisting the Bible, Part II: Matthew 7 – ‘Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged’
- Worship Should Feel (Somewhat) Awkward
- Untwisting the Bible, Part 1: Jeremiah 29:11
- Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom
- The Battle For the Body
- A morality as old as Christianity
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- Christian Nationalism, G3, and the Church’s Duty to be Salt and Light
- How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God
- Christian-Cloaked Occultism
- Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide
- Letter to the Editor From Two Women: What Are We Doing Wrong?
- Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
- Silly Putty Bible Study
- Russell Moore Says John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress ‘Leaves Me Cold’
- Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God
- Why Do You Love Your Sin So Much?
- Ohio Right to Life fires Christian after Republican lawmaker blasts her for sharing the gospel
- 5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered
- Hypocrite Pastors Who Complain About Trump, But Refuse to Complain About Democrats
- Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner
- Nancy Mace is the symptom of a sleeping American church
- Why We Must Confront False Teachers No Matter How Outlandish and Absurd They Are
- Walking Wisely Through Trials
- Heresy of the Day: ‘Creation Care’
- Voddie Baucham Talks Social Justice, Manhood, and Faith With Ben Shapiro
- The Only Way to Carry a Heavy Burden
- Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist
- The Dilemma of Morals
- The Forbidden Woman: Some Thoughts on Love, Marriage, and Adultery
- Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
- ‘The Chosen’ Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would it Serve our Story?’
- Why Full Belief in the Whole Bible is an Essential Doctrine of the Christian Faith
- What we learn from our sicknesses
- The anti-corruption power of Anglo-Protestant culture
- Only Christ will conserve America
- How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ to Distort the Gospel
- The Importance of Training Children in Biblical Apologetics From a Young Age
- A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics
- Vanguard Church Dares SBC to Disfellowship
- PCA Passes Overture Condeming Sex-Changes For Children by 58% to 42% Vote
- Thoughts on Female Deacons
- “Sodomonogamy” is not a good thing
- Discerning evil powers, their pagan world order, and hold over the souls of modern men and women
- SBC ministers spar over women pastors, attendees select next president
- Google Doesn’t Want You to See This Letter From a Christian Pastor About Pride Month
- The Absurdity of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn and Banning Bibles in Their Libraries
- Why is Calvary Chapel Platforming a Homosexual Activist to Push Politics?
- Russell Moore’s Condemnation of Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law is a Trainwreck of Deceit and Stupidity
- Are You Praying to the Only True God?
- Russell Moore Says Tim Keller Convinced Him to Stay at ERLC Because His Critics Were Just Old Insignificant White Men
- The Unsettling Exodus: Why Evangelicals are Turning from the Scriptures
- Lauren Daigle’s Faith Deconstruction for Fame
- Unless You Repent, You Will All Likewise Perish!
- See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
- Target Targets Children With Homosexual Pride Gear for Infants, Babies, Toddlers, and Children
- Rejecting the Modern Social Justice Movement and Recovering the Church’s Biblical Mission
- Does God Forbid Women From Preaching Because of a Higher Susceptibility to False Teachings?
- Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms? Public Schools Are Quickly Becoming LGBTQ Whorehouses
- Why Do Evangelical Churches Look So Much Like the Secular Culture Around Them?
- America’s Greatest Threat: Not Transgenderism, Not LGBTQ, Not Progressivism, but God Himself
- Truth Amidst Turmoil: Discerning and Defending the Faith in the Age of Subtle Spiritual Deception
- How Do We Respond to a God That Doesn’t Give Timetables?
- Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
- Courage Is Contagious
- Good Friday Was Not Cosmic Child Abuse
- Uganda Bans Homosexuality, and the Left Blames…Evangelical Americans?
- I Would Rather Have Jesus Than A Chocolate Easter Bunny
- Is God Homophobic?
- Fear of Rejection in the Bible
- Rosaria Butterfield Publicly Repents of Using Preferred Pronouns, Urges Others to do the Same
- Guilty of Christian Nationalism?
- How to ‘contend for the faith’ while we take care of ourselves and others in this fight
- The Winner’s Chapel and The King’s College
- Revoice Founder Defends Transgender Shooter: ‘Devastating Form of Parental Rejection’
- The Unfaithful Bride: America’s Idolatry and the Coming Persecution
- God Determines the Role of Women in the Church, Not Personal Preference or Culture
- Discernment: A Spiritual Battle, Not a Logical One
- The Character of Kingdom Citizens
- How to Be a Berean
- Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’
- B. B. Warfield on ‘Antichrist’: Is the antichrist a future foe, or a present reality?
- Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years
- Defending Penal Substitution
- SBC Megachurch Will Require Its Members To Sign Statement Opposing Transgenderism, Homosexuality
- Love and Truth: Do We Sacrifice One for the Other?
- Matt Chandler to Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder for Conference
- The issue with Parachurch organizations – especially ones founded by women
- Doug Wilson and Jared Moore Debate Concupiscence and Homosexuality
- Is ‘Pride’ the Woke World Version of the ‘Mark of the Beast’?
- Transgenderism as the Conduit for the Persecution of the Church
- Combating False Teaching: The Essential Duty of Pastors in Defending the Church
- Forensic Justification and the Doctrine of Imputation: Where We Divide From Works-Based Religions
- Beth Moore Attacks Jonathan Edwards for Being Direct About God’s Indignation Toward Sinners
- Andy Stanley Denies Hebrews 4:12, “Don’t Say ‘The Bible Says’”
- Doug Wilson Doubles Down On Errant Side B Theology
- Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
- Damar Hamlin: When Prayer Descends to Abhorrent Theater
- The Pulpitless Plague: A Tragic Tale of Abandonment and its Devastating Impact on the Church
- 13 Big Predictions for 2023
- Making an Idol Out of a False Jesus: God is Not Your Genie-in-a-Bottle
- Trump Champions Abortion Exceptions for ‘Rape, Incest, and Life of the Mother’
- Stage is Now Set for SCOTUS to Overrule Obergefell
- Christian Witness in the Public Square? It’s Complicated
- A Reality Better Than a Wish List
- Franklin Graham Gives Christian Music Star Amy Grant a Reality Check Straight from the Bible After Her Gay Wedding Announcement
- Any Unchecked Sin Is Ruinous
- An Open Letter to Christian Parents About Protecting Children from the Public School Indoctrination Camps
- To Christian Parents
- Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
- The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions
- The Second Commandment and the Films Depicting Jesus
- Greg Locke Accuses John MacArthur and Justin Peters of Lying About the Spiritual Gifts Because it ‘Feeds Your Ego’
- When Christian Leaders Capitulate On Marriage, Innocent Children Suffer
- Notitia, Assensus, and Fiducia: The Nature of Saving Faith
- Breaking down the truth that women may not preach in church or teach men
- Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
- Climate Alarmists Bemoan Earth’s Population Hitting 8 Billion, But How Should Christians View This Milestone?
- Socialist Democrats Advance ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ with 12 GOP
- Al Mohler Appears to Embrace the ‘David Raped Bathsheba’ Feminist Sex Abuse Narrative
- Mike Winger, Allen Parr, and the Darker Side of Christian YouTube
- Professing Christian Kanye West is a Christian No More?
- Warning: A Popular Social Media Platform Is ‘Drawing Young People Into the Occult’
- Tim Keller Pushes Biblical Critical Theory: His Final ‘Gift’ To The Church
- Andy Stanley Says There’s No ‘Clear Divine Standard’ of God Revealed to Mankind
- What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?
- Why the Pro-Life Movement is Compromised, and Why Abortion Abolition is the Only Path Forward
- Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?
- Did Jesus Sow Discord?
- 5 Things You Should Know about Creeds
- The Democrat Jesus
- On Spiritual Partnerships With Apostates: Where We Draw the Line Biblically
- Promise Keepers CEO says Churches are Making Men Effeminate by Teaching Jesus Wrong
- The Bible Says ‘Do Not Be Deceived.’ Have You Opened Yourself Up For Deception?
- ‘I (Heart) Hot Youth Pastors’ Stickers Drawing Ire in a South Carolina Church
- The Worlds Quickest Case of Christaphobia In Action
- Discerning Praise and Worship – A Primer
- Joe Biden Demonstrates Why a Faithful Christian Could Never Vote Democrat, Clear Divide Between Left and Right
- When Pain is a Problem
- The Misuse of Christian Nationalism
- Evolutionists Are Mentally Unstable if They Believe Nothing Created Everything!
- What We Are Witnessing is Sodom and Gomorrah on a Worldwide Scale
- Yes, the Devil is Real
- The Big Bang is in Big Trouble: It Never Happened
- Check Out This Rank Heresy Study Bible that LifeWay is Releasing
- How Doug Wilson and Co. Are Wailin’ on the Culture War
- Timothy Keller’s Anti-Biblical Science: Beware Of 2 More Ways He Fails
- Should Christians be Praying for Wolves?
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- More ‘The Bible Project’ concerns: Enneagram, Lectio Divina
- In the Depths? Help from Jonah
- That Beautiful Bow
- Christians Must Protest Pride Parades and Their Violent, Sodom-like, Riotous Stonewall Origin
- A Biblically-Informed Approach to Thinking About the Buffalo Shooting
- Does God Love Everybody?
- Roys vs MacArthur: Anatomy of a Smear
- Why Christians should never use The Message ‘Bible’
- Judge Julie: Accusing a Shepherd
- What’s in Your Mind, Believer?
- A Warning about Bible Verses
- Does the Church Need LGBTQ People?
- Christians in Canada, you no longer owe submission to your government
- John Piper Using Marxist Feminist Arguments to Claim that David Raped Bathsheba
- Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?
- What Happens to Your Soul When You Die?
- A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church
- The Controversial Birth of Jesus
- The Mark of the Beast? Implanted Microchips Storing Vaccine Status Are Already a Reality
- The Supremacy of Christ: Living for His Glory and Not Our Own (Hebrews 9)
- The Gospel According to Carols
- How to Teach Your Kids to Spot A False Gospel
- Why Nothing Will Stop Jesus from Building His Church
- Are We Bowing to America’s Golden Image?
- What Kind of Fool are You!?
- Watch Out For Millstones
- Democrats Pose an Existential Threat to the Church, Being Civil is No Longer an Option
- The Gospel Coalition Wants Effeminate Men
- John Piper lies, peddles Big Pharma narrative
- Is voting Democrat an evil act in God’s eyes?
- Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace or a Sword?
- Sodom And Gomorrah: Researchers Find Stunning Evidence Of The Ancient Cities Destroyed By God
- How Will the People in Heaven View Hell?
- Survey: 50% of ‘Theological Born-Again Christians’ Say Holy Spirit is ‘Just a Symbol’
- John MacArthur Refutes Tim Keller’s Unbiblical ‘Urban Mandate’ Theology
- The Force, the Spirit, and Romans 8
- Netflix documentary ‘Pray Away’ selectively edits to demonize ex-gay change
- The Chosen TV Series – An Unholy Alliance With Mormons
- What Difference Does an Inerrant Bible Make?
- In Non-Essentials Liberty?
- Standing with the Little Guys
- Timothy Keller: Evolutionist?
- Is God really the one behind ‘The Chosen,’ as the creator of the series declares?
- Justification by Association
- To My Fathers and Brothers: A Plea From Your Sister In the Pew
- The faith to die in the faith
- Quietism and Activism – How do we grow as Christians?
- Priscilla Shirer Attacks the Bible as ‘Hand-me-down Revelation’
- Make This Your General Rule of Thumb When Binding the Conscience of Others
- Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time
- Post NAR Traumatic Stress
- Christian publishing houses are advancing the apostasy pandemic in the Church
- In A World Where Everyone Is Taught To Hate Everyone
- Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution
- ‘Yellow Journalism’ Goes Deepest Blue to Vilify Evangelicals as Mass Murderers
- From Soft Liberalism to Iron-Fisted Leftism in Today’s U.S. Military
- Who or what is the force that drives the Left to cancel conservatives?
- CHILLING: California Police Reform Bill May Ban Christians From Law Enforcement
- Shockingly, Many Christians Think Nothing of Using Satanic Practices to ‘Experience God in a Powerful Way’
- The Eclipse of the Gospel and the School of Hard Knox
- Bethel Redding’s Beni Johnson claims “The Passion Translation is a better translation than the King James.”
- Christian Options Living Under a Marxist Regime
- When Things Look Bleak…
- Commonly Misused Bible Verses: 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Why Your Church Should Practice Church Discipline
- ‘You Just Need More Faith’ Does not Suffice
- Hell needs ‘reframing’ says The Bible Project co-founder
- LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’
- Compromised Evangelicals Misuse, Misinterpret, and Mangle Bible to Defend Open Borders!
- Should Christians Vote for the Vain and Boastful?
- John Piper Says Trump’s Personal Immorality More Deadly Than Planned Parenthood
- Read The Gospels: JC Is Not PC
- Do False Teachers Know they’re False?
- Why can’t believers ‘decree’ Psalm 91 as protection against coronavirus?
- ‘Doing the Stuff:’ An Encounter with John Wimber
- Wait, What?! Pro-Life ‘Conservatives’ Voting for Biden?
- The Weapon Against Christian Paradigm in the Year 2020
- Woke Preacher Clips Round-Up
- Max Lucado Says God is Using Pandemic to Expose Racism, ‘Most Ancient Sin of Humanity’
- Good, Not Safe
- 3 views of submission to government from Romans 13
- Tim Keller Says Christians Have Freedom to Vote For Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Democrats
- Leftists Burning Bibles Now, Christians Later
- The Problematic Misuse of Matthew 18:20
- Getting the Gospel Right
- Southern Baptist Echo Chamber, SBC Voices, Accuses Tom Buck of Racism and Misogyny
- Is It OK for Christians to Push Back Against Authoritarian Governments and Other Wickedness?
- China’s Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to ‘Create a New Version of Christianity’
- Survey Finds Many Americans Look to Themselves, Others Rather Than Bible When Making Moral Decisions
- Rebellious Bible-Twister, Beth Moore, Says God is Reckoning America Over Misuse of Bible
- The Passion Translation author’s heretical views about Christ’s return
- There Is No Such Thing as Virtual Lord’s Supper
- 5 Myths About The Armor Of God
- Pixar Short Animated Film ‘Out’ on Disney+ Features Studio’s First Homosexual Main Character
- What Is Discernment?
- YouTube bans John Piper’s ‘Coronavirus and Christ’ audiobook for “violating community guidelines”
- Those who insist that the Lord demands what is not in scripture have fallen foul of gnosticism
- How Heretics Shaped Alcoholics Anonymous
- Sharp Eyes, Soft Hearts, And Sanctified Minds: Evaluating Christian Books
- Advice for the church: Better call Saul
- Walking away from truth
- Warning about ‘The Bible Project’
- The Church Is More Essential Than A Hospital: Responding to Criticisms
- Is There A Conspiracy To Make The Bible Anti-Gay?
- MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Goes Off Script, Encourages People Turn To God, Read Bibles During Trump Press Conference
- Satan’s Strategy: Sin That Seems Virtuous
- A Call to Separation
- The Woke Hermeneutics of Modern Day Evangelicals
- Sin and misery make our lives quite complicated
- Trans pronouns: Christian hospitality does not affirm insanity
- 40 Things to Give Up for Lent
- The seriousness of the issues involved in ‘guarding our eyes’
- Jesus Did Not Come to Address World Hunger or Global Inequality, He Came to Save His Sheep
- 3 Good Things to Remember When People Let You Down
- The Gospel Coalition Implies Both Political Parties Are Morally Equivalent, So it Doesn’t Really Matter How You Vote
- Discernment IS Love
- Alice Bailey’s 10 Point Plan to Destroy Christianity
- Defining the Will of God
- Yes, the Devil is Real
- Why didn’t God stop Eve from eating the fruit?
- No, God Did Not Speak to You Through, Dreams, Visions, Voices in Your Head, or Divine Impressions
- Context Matters: Abstain from All Appearance of Evil
- Karma Versus Sowing and Reaping — What’s the Difference?
- Mr. Todd – Noah’s Ark Is Not a Fairy Tale
- A homosexual’s ‘biblical’ reasoning for his kind of homosexuality falls flat
- Trust the Bible Above Your Experience
- ‘If I ever meet him I’ll probably sock him in the face’ said Jen Wilkin, Redefining Rahab
- Relavant Magazine’s shameless defense of Buttigieg
- Boundary Stones and Slippery Slopes: A discerning look at Jen Wilkin, part 1
- Why Gay Christianity Is A False Religion
- Pawns for Godless Climate Extremism
- Higher Education Union: Anyone Can Self-Identity As ‘Black, Disabled, LGBT+ or Women’
- Spiritual Warfare Is Real
- An Assault upon Complementarianism Is an Assault upon the Bride of Christ
- New Founders 14-Minute Trailer Accuses Matt Chandler and Other SBC Leaders of Abandoning Scripture
- ‘Progressive Christian’ Children’s Book to Offer a Different Picture of Creation
- Satan’s Strategies for Temptation – Part 2
- Satan’s Strategies for Temptation
- God Does Not Help Those Who Help Themselves Or Why The Reformation Still Matters
- Pete Buttigieg’s ‘Brother-in-Law’ Says Candidate Has ‘Manipulated’ the Bible, Calls on Him to Repent
- Parent Love and Grandparent Love
- Popular, But False…Do Not Be Deceived
- Digital Dementia And The Mind Of Christ
- Homosexuality – Men Acting Like the Woman
- Where Did Family Come From?
- Homosexuals as PCA Elders?
- Why Do We Need Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms?
- Beth Moore: Calling Homosexuality a Sin is ‘Exceeding Scripture’
- Dear Christian: STOP IT!!
- Dissecting Another Anti-Discernment Hit-Piece
- Progressive Christianity: Rejecting The Bible But Clinging To The Title Of Christian
- Oliver Thomas @USATODAY Says the American Church Got it Wrong on Gay People—And He’s Right
- If the Bible Is Wrong, I’m So, So Wrong
- Discipleship Is…
- Christian kids must slay wolves in sheep’s clothing, not pet them!
- When Should We Use the Bible?
- Ex-Gay Testimony: The Gospel Radically Changed My Heart and Desires
- Not Going to Hell
- Preaching for Doctrinal Discernment
- The Crisis and Comfort of Romans 7
- No, Women, You Are Not Called to Preach!
- Jussie Smollett, Fake Hate Crimes, and a Biblical Perspective
- God’s Book & God’s Voice
- Four Simple Ways to Grow Spiritually
- New Year’s Resolutions for God’s Glory, Not Our Own
- Five Remarkable Things About the Ben Shapiro and John MacArthur Interview
- The importance of teaching sound doctrine
- Reformation Day Should be Bible Appreciation Day
- Is God More Tolerant Today?
- What Does the Bible Say About Angels?
- 70% of Americans are Christians? Seriously? (Reprise)
- If We Lose the Meaning of ‘Justice,’ We Lose the Gospel
- Being Berean – 8 Steps for Comparing Teaching to Scripture
- How to Guard against False Ideas about God
- When Should I Leave My Church?
- BSF Leader resigns; warns members about 2018 Study
- Study Indicates Beginning of Scripture Neglected
- God Told Me…
- 5 Reasons Churches Should Teach Theology to Children
- Are there codes in the Bible?
- Embracing Christ’s View of Scripture
- 5 Ways to Face Tests and Trials Biblically
- Despite Media Spin, Canaanite-Lebanese Study Doesn’t Disprove Bible