Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly

“Perhaps the most notable institutional example of the drift from affirming the inerrancy of Scripture to affirming the infallibility of Scripture was Fuller Theological Seminary. Its original statement of faith (written several years after its founding in 1947) contained the following article on Scripture: “The books which form the canon of the Old and New Testaments as originally given are plenarily [fully] inspired and free from all error in the whole and in the part.” – Ken Silva

(Protestia) Fuller Theological Seminary is an interdenominational evangelical seminary nestled in the heart of Pasadena, California. Founded in 1947 with over 2300 students from 110 denominations, they have a pretty standard statement of faith that allows a range of thought and beliefs as they try to navigate between neo-orthodoxy and theological liberalism, seeking to find a middle ground. 

In actuality, however, liberals long ago captured Fuller, and it has become a cauldron of progressive theology and bad beliefs about the bible despite its lofty claims to the contrary. Vast swaths of faculty and students hate Jesus and the scriptures, and they have bought in wholesale to the spirit of the age.

If you want to lose your faith, Fuller is a great place to be. View article →


Fuller Theological Seminary

Homosexual – LGBTQ Agenda


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